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Old 06-24-2013, 12:06 PM
spoils spoils is offline

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 348
Default 55+ ogre shammies please chime in on some soloing strats

Just bought me a shammy to doink around with solo...

I've played one on live for a bit but grouped most of the time so that's easy enough...

Just wanted to get an idea of what spells you're using in what order...

Mine is simply:

Open with Root, Malo, Slow, Epic, JBB, Canni, and repeat between epic, jbb, canni (when i can) as needed.

I typically root only once to make sure malo, slow, epic lands then tank it

any other thoughts? any other specific gear that are must haves other than fungi/jbb and ECTunnel gear that i can get under 20k?