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Old 07-20-2011, 10:25 PM
Native Native is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 49
Default ban appeal

Hello there, My account with the character Vashti Bunyan (Druid level 49) and the monk Whisper ( Monk level 40 ) Were banned recently for alleged two boxing.
I have my account information on a small notepad on my desk at home. To my surprise, my brothers friend took down the information. ( says my brother ) and later used my character to port him and his friends. I believe this is what resulted in my ban and this has broken my heart.. I love everquest, I love project 1999 and I love to do everything in my power to enhance the servers experience. If you could please consider my appeal.. I've tried my best to get my characters the reputation, and the belongings they have. ( I will also kick the little shit out of my house, and put up my account information.. ) I had no idea any of his friends played here.

Thank you.
