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Old 05-18-2017, 05:29 AM
Beastagoog Beastagoog is offline

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 946

Bum on Tak forums:
P99 = toxic = not welcome in The Bum'Kabor Project
Tryfan quotes him and posts:

Well, you're not wrong, it is toxic. It is funny, though. P99's toxicity is at the guild level. Players from guilds crap on other guilds and throw a lot of insults and abuse at guild leaders and officers. What was the first thing you did when you saw people chuckling about Jon having a guild hetr? You created an account to crap on Austerity and encourage insults and abuse at Jon.


Can't help but think you would fit in quite well.
Haha god I love the psychopaths that play emulated servers. The high and mighty ones are the best too.