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Old 10-04-2011, 02:00 AM
tmoneynegro tmoneynegro is offline

Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 114

It starts off sounding okay till you get to the part about having "no nation states" and everyone "uniting". A global government dictatorship and currency is exactly what the (zionist) dictators he mentions in the video want.

Then you have the problem of women cranking out too many kids making population unsustainable. When nations are sovereign, this is only a local problem and they have to deal with it themselves. With globalization, it becomes everyone on earth's problem and would require a global, authoritarian govt to fix.

Then you have the problem of some cultures/demographics not even being able to function at all in a modern society. So no, everyone "uniting" isn't going to work. People have different goals and interests and throwing the entire world population into a metaphorical school bus together would just cause even more problems than already exist.

There are valid points in the video but a completely invalid solution.