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Old 03-20-2012, 05:40 PM
choster choster is offline

Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 16

I remember being very skeptical having briefly tried UO... Well i fired up EQ and created an Ogre Shaman and was instantly hooked.

Getting turned around in the entrance of Oggok because it was night time and I didn't have a torch. I got a bit frustrated zoning back and forth before I realized I could turn up the alpha on my monitor enough to at least see the outline of the walls.

I remember being terrified of those spiderlings that would gang up on me and regularly eat me for breakfast, my wife looking over my shoulder once asked, "How is it you are standing there fighting and also laying on the ground taking a nap over there?"... Ohhh, that is where I left my corpse... Thanks babe.

Entering the swamp for the first time and thinking "damn, I thought my home was bad.". Fleeing in terror from that damn mushroom guy... You know, that is whay makes classic awesome... You get attached to your dude and death is powerful inconvenient... And fear is easier to come by in the dark when things aren't animated to be all bubblegum and rainbows.

Zone 3: Whatever was North of the swamp... I was just glad to get out of there (at 5 AM) someone is yelling "help! This poison is killing me!"... Oh wait, didn't I get a spell for that? Run run run, cast! Hero! (for a day)

So many experiences thay you just can't gt in a modern mmo.