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Old 04-12-2016, 08:16 AM
Breaken Breaken is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 518

If you are implying the same rules might apply in ToV, I believe you are incorrect.

The intent of the rule is that, for ToV specifically, when more than one mob is up (like a repop) you have to "clear" in. If a guild wants to get Vulak, they cannot simply .. run / FD / DA up through other named, getting agro on all of them, and finally FTE Vulak. If you agro Aaryonar, you have to kill him. The next guild would wind up agroing one of the named on either left or right side. Then, most likely, the guild that killed Aary (or a 3rd guild) will pull the next mob on that path. Then the next.. until a path is cleared.