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Old 10-06-2016, 12:58 AM
skarlorn skarlorn is offline

Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: The Misty Thicket
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Although there are some instances in which I am compelled, within reason, to extrapolating verbatim the meandering treatises upon which my addled, befuddled, and generally beset by the rigamarole of my vapid tongue, skewered as it be by brittle ego, I do not, current to the present moment, find extenuating circumstance which would (or could) compel me to further state in clear, reasonable fashion with a semblance of ordered logic about my script any intelligible, meaningful, and useful dialogue which may enhance this conversation, expand the lexicon of our collective forumquesting knowledge, or otherwise contribute to a healthy, understanding community of likeminded elves. However, let this ungainly yet irrefutably sound wall of text in which I say a great deal only to indicate that there is nothing for me to say upon this matter and moreover command the attention and desire to read this post into other regions, regions where this post is not visible, for it is foul and horrible to the human eye and should, thusly, preserve the green pastures of our storied forum by the sheer verbal expunging nut unakin to the ripping release of my bowels after a wilful abandonment of self-love and interest at the donut shop. Let me proceed to digress, although can it be a tangent if indeed there is no point to be made? this is an interesting philosophical conundrum and I do hope that whoever has read this far, made it through the slog of such filth as this, the words which I have typed with the self same fingers that stroke my penis at the cold end of a long, affectionless day, the sort of day that I never have any longer now that I have been in touch with your mother; when I say i have been in touch with your mother it means that i've been fucking your mom you nerd. But do not let this most disturbing and irreverant of jousts (the same way I fucked your mom) detract from the wholesome, gender neutral importance of this post, which is a defense of a Constitution, a Bristle-Walled Protection of an Unscathed, Unsullied, Still Virgin and Otherwise Blessed Be Hive of Racism and Bigotry!