Thread: Blue vs. Red
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Old 04-16-2014, 01:12 AM
Galacticus Galacticus is offline
Fire Giant

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Originally Posted by Giren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
WoW was not created with PvP as a focus.

I could see the argument being made for GW.

But how about a game that is nothing but PvP, like League of Legends?

League of Legends was able to do a game with class balancing with most of the choices feeling different.

Class balancing done wrong doesn't mean it can't be done right.
LoL is twitch heavy just like most pvp games out there. Player versus player is in FPS games, Strategy games, and MOBA games.

The thing is, if you like how eq combat works, if you like how you play the game at all, its hard to not argue for pvp. It is still everquest with its long casting times and its movement speed buffs and its zoning. The only real difference is that someone is intellegently trying to or sometimes failing to outsmart and outplay you.