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Old 04-21-2011, 11:11 AM
Nokio Nokio is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Canada/Quebec
Posts: 76

Hello again all!

So yesterday i gave a try to AE kite with my level 7 bard. And it work and it's fun. I did it outside Kelethin at a bandit camp. I might end up going to CB until level 8 though as it's long without the double damage from a Lute.

There is 1 question I have

When i do the AE kiting i go into a 3rd person view as i find that it helps.
I tryed to move my camera (wow style to no success)

But i know it can be done as seen in this video. If someone can help me out!
By that i mean going into 3rd person and not having the camera move as you do your circle.

Thanks in advance!