Thread: Just stop..
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Old 09-07-2011, 05:35 AM
Rainflush Rainflush is offline

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The 12 years thing is used to provide additional accent on the absurdity of getting so indignant about a computer game. For example, if your playing the latest, greatest multi-player game that everyone is talking about, there is a contemporary cathexis by which one's actions may have a notable effect on any number of people and thus hold a veritable (yet ultimately trivial) significance within this tiny facet of life. Conversely, if you're playing a recreation of much older game where the nature of the appeal is primarily nostalgic, it seems that much more ridiculous to consider the activity with any seriousness.

That will have to do for an explanation as I am presently rather tired.
Last edited by Rainflush; 09-07-2011 at 05:40 AM.. Reason: Clarification