Thread: Child's tear
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Old 03-18-2017, 10:41 PM
wrighter00 wrighter00 is offline

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Posts: 65

The Shaman Epic is far from unattainable. There are a lot of guilds that are able to and do kill the Golems. Be it by race or sock. None that I've seen are too obsessive with it.

Don't let anyone tell you that a PoFear clear for Armor, Minis, and waiting for Golems is any worse than Bard kiting a half zone worth of mobs around while rushing for FTE/kill for the sake of the "race".

Truth be told, any of the capable guilds can or will help you get a Sham epic. Whether it's for a guild member or it's for sale. There is one out there for you. TBH, I don't remember the last time I was in PoFear watching Golem efforts where anyone asked anyone else to team up, share, or rotate. It's always snipe it asap or piggy back to get it for your guild/s. A solution doesn't create itself.
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