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Old 03-30-2012, 02:38 AM
Claax Claax is offline

Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 39

I second on Large Soiled Bag. 400-800 pp, will hold bandages/food/water/shurikens/anything small. Another option is to have a mage summon you bags and then duel someone each night before you log out(or ragequit when you die tragically). Can be a pain in the ass but will give you a whole lot of weightless bags.

A pair of 5ac/55hp wedding rings, if you get them for 450, is definitely worth it. Otherwise, it comes down to what you have to spend. Best bang for the buck is gonna be Wu's Quivering Staff. No competition if you ask me, none.

If you can get an FBSS, then the world is your oyster and it opens up a lot of different combinations. For armor, everything Cee said is a great investment. Especially Fine Silk Turban/Azure Sleeves/Foreman/Lockjaw. Go with Wu's when in doubt.

I would concentrate on weapons and those rings are no joke either. If you only have a few k, get WQS. If you have more, get FBSS and then save for an IFS or JM/KD, your choice.