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Old 03-06-2012, 04:57 PM
Labyrrinth Labyrrinth is offline

Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: St Louis
Posts: 173

Uth needed a spy in TMO so that he could find out who was RMTing, cheating and DDOSing the servers.

Uth gave stuff to QF so he'd have "good enough" gear to get into TMO as a spy. This was done for the good of the server. (QF originally apped to Divinity but was turned down due to awful or missing gear)

Most of what Uth gave QF came out of his own plat from what he earned prior to becoming staff. Later he gave him items, with Rogean's blessing (including a toon sex change)

QF apped to TMO to spy

QF later <3'd TMO after the 'never-do-wells' were outed and banned

Uth moved on to expose other 'never-do-wells' who, since they had relationships with "other" P99 staff members were never perma banned...

Uth got mad!

The rest is history
India - cleric
Labyrrinth - enchanter