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Old 12-15-2013, 12:50 AM
Xelris Xelris is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 128

Crafted is very decent for the level and you're at a point on the main where you'd be able to complete the quests.

You probably want two weapon sets if you can do so - one to get you aggro, one to get you dps. The first is easily affordable as suggested above with yakesha proc weapons. The second is most easily and cheaply done via 2-handed weaponry.

Stack AC, hp and stamina. If you want to avoid pulling your hair out, consider either buying a jboot mq or camping the AC for your war... if you get caught in the open by something bigger than you, you'll have two options: beat it to death or run and hope for the best. Jboots increase the lifespan of your average warrior by several seconds by vastly improving the second option.