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Old 04-26-2012, 04:05 PM
aerah aerah is offline

Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 100

The mechanics behind the sense/disarm were simple from a user's standpoint. As a rogue, I would mash my Sense Trap button. If a Trap was found, my traveling direction would snap to the direction where the trap existed. That was the tell of a trap being nearby. If my direction did not snap to a different heading, either there was no trap nearby or I suppose I wasn't skilled enough to sense it.

I would then attempt to disarm the trap. I received a confirmation of disarm on success, or a consolation message saying the trap wasn't disarmed. I don't, however, know how long the trap was disarmed for. I want to say it was long enough for a raid group to walk through without triggering it again.

I'm relatively sure that once a trap was disarmed, you could still sense it, and continue to disarm it.

I'm also relatively sure you could sense and disarm while under hide/sneak as a rogue.

I don't recall what level my skills were compared to the different trap locations.

more edit: are you looking for trap locations too?

The biggest/most annoying trap I remember is in Dragon Necropolis. The one that, when triggered, would spawn a bunch of mobs and they'd basically eat your face off. DN was full of them as I recall, especially in the Rat tunnels. Velks had the dispelling trap too, I think it was right before the ice kobolds?
Last edited by aerah; 04-26-2012 at 04:27 PM.. Reason: clarity