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Old 06-29-2011, 05:17 AM
YoungTrainer YoungTrainer is offline
Decaying Skeleton

Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 0

The thing i wanna know this. Why would a guild that has been farming these dragons for months. Stoop so low into logging into a cleric that is no longer played (doesn't matter if the account gets suspended for a short period) to Try and Train two guilds trying to have some fun. In a new expansion with new friends. That one guild has dominated for Far Far too long.

You'd think that a guild of your stature your maturity of being #1 for so long. You would sit back figure out why you lost the target.Fix the problem. Congratulate the "new guys" on their new shiny toys and look forward to more legit (following raid rules) competition in the near future.