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Old 07-22-2017, 05:03 PM
Hetjan Hetjan is offline

Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 131

So Doctor Jeff is kinda correct except the interpretation is incorrect ...

The range for coth clearing agro is WAY WAY WAY out of whack. I used to be able to clear agro for someone else by coth on live when someone was pretty close but not right on top of me with mobs. The way it is now is about 15-20x the range it was on live. If someone is on the other side of the juggs cavern and I coth them it for sure would have cleared agro. Seems like someone needs to be on the other side of a zone out of line of sight entirely for it to work here.

On live it was pretty close that it would clear agro, you could consistently tell someone "Run those mobs away" ad start a coth and by the time it went off it would clear agro. Here that is not working.
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