View Full Version : Cultural Armor Question

04-19-2013, 11:43 AM
Greetings all,

I would like some clarification about cultural armor and which races can make what. I have heard conflicting accounts that cultural armor can be made by "teams" of races and not necessarily only the race assigned to the armor.

The specific case I would like to know is if a Wood Elf could make the High Elf Tunare blacksmithing armor.

Thanks for your replies.

04-19-2013, 12:03 PM
Or, perhaps Half Elf crafting the armor for WE/HE's. Half Elf is not listed as being able to craft cultural armor on the P99 wiki.


Samhain, I think I found our answer:

Cultural smithing involves several sets of armor unique to each race. This includes the use of tempers, imbued gems, and cultural forges (see for locations).

All cultural armor requires smithing by the race listed, and must be forged within the race-specific forge located in their home city.

Note: Erudites and Halflings do not have any cultural smithing armor sets since they are instead cultural tailoring races. Wood Elfs have smithed weapons, though their primary cultural tradeskills are tailoring and fletching. Half-Elves do not have any unique cultural tradeskills for their race, though they can use some of the items made by others.