View Full Version : Friends Enjoying Old EQ!!

06-13-2013, 12:47 AM
Hail, Adventurers! I'm not sure wheeeerrre exactly to post this but me and 2 other roomies live together and 2 of us used to play classic eq and all of us wanted to get on the server and delve into the aqueducts of qeynos and fight some gelatinous cubes and generally commence dungeon crawling, everywhere.. but we can't apparently, because of multi-boxers! I read ip-exemptions can be made for lan partiers and whatever we can do to prove were more than one person we can try our best to do! please help! :)

06-13-2013, 12:49 AM
There is a petition forum. In that forum should be a link to how you go through the process.

Here is link to post