View Full Version : Iksar Betrayer - Chardok

09-17-2013, 10:29 AM
I'm recently new to the server and I am looking to start my epic soon. Most of the quest still seems pretty straight forward as I remember doing it 12 years ago, except the Chardok pipe.

I know that the iksar betrayer is now a random zone spawn, and I also realize there are plenty of AE groups that go through there and sell them. Have any monks actually gone in with a standard non-AE group and gotten this? If so, was there a particular area that seemed to work better? Or is buying the MQ Pipe the only way to do it nowadays.

Thanks all

09-21-2013, 04:36 PM
zone in, go to the first little fort area at which you can either take a right and go deeper into the zone, or take a left and go to the zone out

if you look up on the wall next to the tunnel leading toward the zone out, there's another tunnel that can only be reached by levitating up there

take a group up there, and clear mobs from that little tunnel ledge entrance all the way down until you see a tunnel that splits off to the left and has a bunch of slaves in it

alternatively, you can go the normal route deeper into the zone, and once you hit the first or second bridge you can levitate down into that same pit with slaves in it, but this way takes longer

there will be mobs that roam from that tunnel ledge entrance to somewhere down there - that's the placeholder for iksar betrayer

good luck, it's a shitty spawn from my experience, could take you several hours to see him

fortunately there are some decent drops there like sarnak battle shield and stave of shielding(great for monk)

09-21-2013, 07:55 PM
Chardok items are incredibly devalued due to AOE groups being there for exp with loot being a secondary benefit. The pipe is only 10-12k and is not worth the time spent hunting there with a group unless you enjoy obtaining it yourself.

09-21-2013, 08:21 PM
Or if you don't have 10-12k.

09-21-2013, 08:42 PM
I more mean it would be easier to acquire 12k elsewhere than camp the Betrayer. The effort to acquire a chardok pipe is far more than the effort to acquire 12k, and that's even assuming said group would pass the pipe to you which isn't a given (see: KC pipe).

Edit: I'll clarify. Chardok is usually camped for AE. If you tried to use this to your advantage, your group would have to deal with the entire zone repopping at once. But the main reason is that it is a rare spawn that requires a decent group to hold the area. Adds, sow'd mobs, 49 wizards - not a huge deal for veterans, but what sucks (and the reason no one traditionally exps in Chardok) is that NPC HP is very very high which makes for lousy exp. In addition, the loot is basically non-existent. Shields/Staves aren't worth dick any more (relative to their rarity) and are pretty uncommon even when you are AOE clearing the zone.