View Full Version : Mage leveling help

08-08-2010, 10:52 AM
I'm a long time veteran of EQ, playing from 1999-2002 religiously and then even some longer stints during live with eventually getting my necro to 67 before not being able to take how different the game had become.

My question: I have a lvl 10 mage, what is the fastest route to lvling? Zones? group/solo? I've been a necro my whole career so I'm pretty unfamiliar with the sweet spots for a magician.

I heard Najena can be good at 10+ but I don't know if that's sound advice. I appreciate any input! ;)

08-08-2010, 11:06 AM
What race is your mage and in what area are you right now? That might help a little ;)

08-08-2010, 11:27 AM
10 - 16/18 : WC and Befallen
18 - 21/22 : Oasis
22 - 29 : Najena
29 - 50 : SolA

That was my route, I leveled too fast though so explore try other stuff if you want.

08-08-2010, 12:50 PM
Find any druid/cleric/shaman/necro/mage nearby to duo with and you'll be able to hunt darn near anywhere mobs are blue-yellow.

If you stick to solo, Najena/West Commons/Lavastorm/Befallen are all viable spots to solo in your neck of the woods.

08-08-2010, 01:55 PM
I did 10-14 befallen and then 14-26 unrest and it actually went super quick there. Then eventually moved on to HK which I loved as a baddie and did 29-39 there really fast. But it's not for everyone. :)

08-08-2010, 02:11 PM
Shaman + mage combo is amazing. It really takes off once you hit level 34 because then you both have pets + buffs (what I've been running with a friend of mine) :)

08-08-2010, 07:44 PM
Thanks for the ideas...I'm in Befallen right now.

When should I start temple of ro quests for my focus items?

08-09-2010, 12:16 AM
I'm also a struggling mage. Not only did I lose my corpse once already and am straggling at level 18 with no gears lol. THANK GOD i'm a mage.
however, at level 18 with NO gear I am doing pretty successful at killing the guards and golems near the lavastorm zone in Nektulos.
There are times I might take a death, but it's rare. EXP is very good and the money makes up for it.
I was making NOTHING in oasis.

I also need help on focus items.....thanks!

08-09-2010, 12:21 AM
Mage = easy mode. Just don't try to kill anything your pet has problems with and keep gate memmed in case things go downhill.

Do focus items in mid 20's.