View Full Version : Cheers

03-08-2014, 04:23 AM
Here's to the glory of EverQuest in general.

To the kindness of strangers, the cruelty of the fringe.

Here's to the glory of this game in all it's flawed beauty. To the primitive graphics and the broken quests. To the Epics, to the 2.0's, to the VT Key and the craft-only spells.

Here's to the fun we've all had, the dinners we skipped with our wives (and husbands). To the memories we've gained that we wish we could forget.

To the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful.

Drink up my friends, for tomorrow we all CR in hell!!

Thank you, Project 1999 for capturing the true spirit of EverQuest, as it was, back in the day.

If you love the server and you know it, donate.