View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Issues and Suggestions regarding Yellow Text

05-18-2014, 01:36 AM
1) Yellow Text is not assigned to a proper chat-channel # from the server. Therefore it is hard-coded into the Main Chat window and cannot be filtered into a different chat window.

each line of text is assigned to a specific chat channel #. for example: the /Say chat channel is chat channel #8. (each one on the list has a number, including miscellaneous) The titanium client can handle at least 100 different chat-channels, and probably more. Right now, all miscellaneous are being bundled server-side, by the server assigning them all those text messages the same chat-channel # (the miscellaneous one).

I suggest either assigning it into one of the larger groups, like Miscellaneous. Or better yet, give it its own unique chat-channel #, like channel #70. That way we can specifically direct the Yellow Text into any chat window by updating our ini file accordingly.

Update: After toking it over (like Popeye on his spinach) I realized that if/when Yellow Text is properly placed onto a chat-channel #, that will also allow the freedom to change the color like the rest.

2) Names & Guildname Text gets cut-off due to some kind of strange word-wrap bug.

It's a bit of a piss-off because I always have to re-size my Main chat window just to see the full Yellow Text message. At first I thought it was just me who experienced this, until I saw it appearing in other peoples screenshots as well.

Per screenshot, Yellow Text consistently bugs-out when word-wrap tries to split the Player Name and the Guild Name:

(bottom one is proper, the rest have missing characters)

Update (May 26): Here are some additional findings on this issue:

- /chatfontsize doesn't affect it. it will occur from chatfontsize 1-5
- UI style doesn't affect it. it will occur under any UI (classic, Duxa, etc)
- it actually occurs anytime a Username <Guildtag> gets word-wrapped between the name and the guildtag in chat
- not just YT, but even in /who queries

3) The <> brackets should be hidden when there is no guild. Guildless players aren't walking around with <> displaying after their names, so why would it be displayed that way in the Yellow Text message?

05-21-2014, 03:54 PM
you can change the color currently

the channel is echo #2 or something

05-27-2014, 09:46 PM
ah interesting i'll look into that