View Full Version : SStrength 'soft cap' & mainhand damage bonus

06-01-2014, 01:19 PM
While the information is only useful in certain grouping events as a bard I wanted to ask some general melee questions.

When I was going over the information to max my dps I came across a few posts on another forum mentioning a strength 'soft cap'. I assume this is in regards to some diminishing returns that strength gives after a certain point. Is anyone aware of this and care to explain.

Which leads me to diminishing returns question in general. Are their other stats that would provide diminishing returns after a certain threshold (such as AC?).

Finally I also noticed that their is a mainhand only damage bonus applied after a certain threshold. Does anyone have any tables for bards that include level so I can catch what damage bonus im getting at what level to maximize my melee dps when i use it?

Cheers for any questions answered.

06-01-2014, 04:42 PM
As a rogue, it's easy to see your max hit diminish with sub-255 str. Bards are kinda bad melee dps... Damage bonus will be applied regardless of str. Try for as close to 255 str as you can get, but in your case it doesn't matter b/c bard and no dual wield.

06-03-2014, 03:37 PM
What I mean by diminishing returns is where you invest in something then there is a ceiling that investments after that give you less.

So perhaps strength gains up to 150 give you +1 damage per strength but anything above 150 gives you +0.5 damage per strength. (this is just an example)

I saw strength soft capped mentioned, and wondered if there is a diminishing return on strength or any other melee statistic for that matter.

Also Cecily bards get duel wield sooo huh?

06-03-2014, 04:16 PM
I'm guessing he means Double Attack

06-03-2014, 05:06 PM
Most stats soft cap at 200. AC soft cap is hard to pinpoint, but I believe the consensus is that it's around 850. AC is still being tweaked, so don't consider that set in stone.
I've seen a damage bonus table around here somewhere; I'll see if I can find it.

06-03-2014, 05:24 PM
DMG Bonus:

Mainhand+2h with <28 delay

2h delay 28-39

2h delay 40-42

2h delay 43-44

2h delay >44

Source is Yaolin's Monk DPS chart: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwLk00fzuQQMcElKYTJtaGVsanM/edit
Pretty sure Yao got those from Rogean's code on dmg bonus he posted a long time ago

06-03-2014, 07:51 PM
So to reiterate ~

Most stats soft cap at 200 (where the gains become smaller past the 200 mark), and AC is around 850 more or less.

And while I appreciate the 2h bonus Iphice, I am under the impression the bonuses for 1h are slightly different. I saw one that was on live, but it appeared to be too modern and likely incorrect for p99.

I know for a bard this may seem trivial but as someone who wants to be the very best I can be for the groups I join, I want to have my melee dps as it is maxed to the teeth within my ability. Hence why I ask these questions.

The soft stat cap in particular is important because bards need many stats for many situations and I want to max my ability out with changing gear at these lower levels at least if not end game barding.

06-03-2014, 07:53 PM
the mainhand part of the DPS bonuses is for 1 hand weapons (first equation)

06-03-2014, 07:54 PM
Which leads me to ask, do resists have soft caps as well?

06-03-2014, 07:58 PM
Ah excellent ! Thank you Iphice!

06-03-2014, 11:31 PM
I am not positive about resists, but I don't think there is a softcap.

06-04-2014, 09:22 AM
According to Nirgon and Daldean, there should be a 255 hardcap on resists (same as stats), but that is not currently implemented on this server and 500MR is 500MR. Some spells (including dragon AoEs) have negative resist mods on them, but then its simple subtraction before running the standard resist check.

06-04-2014, 09:39 AM
There should be no -Resist mods on any AEs during classic.

All AEs were tuned against a 255 resist cap. Ours being 500 here GREATLY skews the necessity for all-out resist gearing, and more specifically the impact of bard songs in raid survivability.

With itemization and buffs from Kunark, you can hit 200-255 in most resists pre-bard. Which should give you a solid chance to resist AEs. However here, you basically need a bard to even have a shot at resisting some of them. Since getting to 400-450 resist requires a bard. And that's stupid + not classic.

Our entire resist system should be revamped though. Firstly to implement the 255 hard cap. Secondly to remove the -100/200 resist checks on high-end AEs. Thirdly to reassess how levels factor into getting full resists (green mobs should almost never land spells).

06-04-2014, 05:57 PM
Thank you for the input everyone, I believe I have a much firmer grasp of what I need to be aiming for in my gear now.