View Full Version : Server population and classes ?

11-15-2014, 06:24 AM
Hi !
I'm considering joining red and wanted to know a bit more about the server.
First, how is the high level population ? Are there enough people to enjoy it ?
Second, what's the class distribution ? Are there 50000 wizards and SKs or are the classes somewhat even ?

I used to play shaman and rogue on live. Played those classes as 2 box on the latest progression server (Vulak Aerr) and enjoyed it but would have liked a pvp server more since i was originally on Vallon Zek (anyone remember when Nanak won the warrior botb ? ^^)
Considering monk as well as it's a class i like. Could also play warrior or bard.
Any advice on what's needed more / what i would be most useful with ?

11-15-2014, 08:14 AM
The majority of people are 50+. High end raiding/PvP/zone farming and contesting is all there (KC/Seb/Chardok/HS all contested on the regular) and thriving.

Classes, I'd say the majority of classes I come across are monks, druids and warriors. But overall the balance is there. The least played are probably paladins, necros and rangers. The rest are pretty much in the middle.

Shamans are a great first class to choose from what I can tell. Allow you to farm anything you want pretty much and highly sought after for guilds/raids/groups. Play what you think you'd enjoy; just be warned no matter what you pick you'll be at the mercy of twinked out characters sometimes. It happens. Just gotta move on, learn from it (what little you may or may not be able to) and then keep going. I was harassed as a level 30ish Pally for awhile by some twinks, not much I could do about it. Just tried different leveling spots.

Rogues I think are the highest coveted at the moment? Also bards perhaps. Just needed for raids and pvp.

11-15-2014, 08:31 AM
I rarely ever get pvp from melee, its always druids and wizards. Lures and resists are broken, go figure.

11-15-2014, 08:40 AM
Play what you think you'll enjoy pvping with - and group as often as possible for the XP bonus. If you want to solo 1-60 it'll take far longer :p

11-15-2014, 09:36 AM
If you're new to the server i recommend checking out the enchanter class, guilds love them, they are great solo and in group, it's pretty much the best starting class

Otherwise just pick whatever you enjoy playing, but melees are tough if you can't twink them

11-15-2014, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the info about the server. Might play either shammy or rogue but considering it's much easier both to solo and group as a shaman...i think that's where i'm heading.
I'll make a rogue later if i get some stuff for it :D

Also, as i stated, i'm not a noob. I've had lvl 70 shaman and rogue and 60 warrior and bard as well as playing a friend's 60 monk. ;)