View Full Version : Love the Community here!

01-15-2015, 09:01 AM
This one has been a long time coming, and despite singling out Manticmuse the community here by and large is really swell.. :D Had some help as a returning noob from a few folks, but Mantic takes the cake at this point. Only recently hit lvl 20, and I've begun abusing the Circlet of Shadow he was kind enough to provide a budding Necro some weeks ago. I must say my first time through EQ I really missed out on the undead charming bit. Settling into a rhythm, and getting the XP's.

Thanks Muse, and others that have lent me a hand thus far! On top of it all he's a fellow Knight as well. Really don't remember the community on Mith Marr being so helpful my first time through, not that it was bad just not SO helpful.

01-15-2015, 10:34 AM
On behalf of the community as their unduly non-elected representative, you are most welcome Squiggs. I hope to have the opportunity to contribute in the future as well!

Kimm Bare|y
01-15-2015, 11:36 AM