View Full Version : Necro Epic Question

04-30-2015, 06:02 PM
If one necro has the Cloak of Spiroc Feathers can they MQ the cloak for the epic?

So Necro 1 turns in cloak to Drendico, Necro 2 turns in Journal/Eye/Slime.

Has anyone done this before? Or MQ'd the last step.

04-30-2015, 09:26 PM
It should work in theory but, generally due to the rarity of the slime blood, most every necro gets cloak before blood

05-01-2015, 11:16 AM
As far as I know, no one has ever tested this.

I once thought I was going to have this problem, so I asked some people who work with the developers on the server. According to them, the necro epic should be MQable. If it isn't, then that is a bug server side, and you'd probably be able to petition that since the MQ didn't fail from player error, but from a coding bug. You may want to be safe and petition ahead of time, and ask about it before trying to do the MQ.

05-01-2015, 11:30 AM
Server side bugs have lead to me having a Monk Epic on my Cleric and a Rogue Epic on my Druid. Neither were reimbursed due to a bug that I've reported/bumped several times that sounds like it's a hard one for them to resolve with coding.

05-01-2015, 12:07 PM
doesn't sound like a bug if you actually received an item.. sounds like you got setup for a MQ fail (the easy parts were handed in by someone, waiting for someone to come along and MQ the hard part)

05-01-2015, 12:33 PM
doesn't sound like a bug if you actually received an item.. sounds like you got setup for a MQ fail (the easy parts were handed in by someone, waiting for someone to come along and MQ the hard part)

The bug lies in the fact that neither Stanos nor sane Kaiaren were spawned until I spawned them.

Freshly spawned NPCs should have no quest pieces in their memory. That's the bug.

Had Stanos just been sitting there, you would be correct. However on P99 Quest NPCs remember pieces of MQable quests in their memory bank, and these pieces persist through death, and despawning. The only thing you can do on P99 to fix it is complete the quest (though you have no idea it has pieces banked from days or even weeks/months ago) or crash the server.

05-01-2015, 02:31 PM
Yikessss, I don't think it's worth the risk. Necro might just have to wait on epic.

05-01-2015, 02:59 PM
Don't risk it. This server will not help if you mess up a MQ and necro epic pieces are much too rare to risk someone trolling and putting an extra necro cloak in inventory.

05-01-2015, 03:49 PM
The bug lies in the fact that neither Stanos nor sane Kaiaren were spawned until I spawned them.

Freshly spawned NPCs should have no quest pieces in their memory. That's the bug.

Had Stanos just been sitting there, you would be correct. However on P99 Quest NPCs remember pieces of MQable quests in their memory bank, and these pieces persist through death, and despawning. The only thing you can do on P99 to fix it is complete the quest (though you have no idea it has pieces banked from days or even weeks/months ago) or crash the server.

in that case, im going to setup a few jboot mq fails ;)