View Full Version : Red, red doesnt have separate forums?

06-06-2015, 01:53 AM
I am going to make a character on red, I want to roll shaman, char I love to play.

But what classes are needed on red? I am figuring there are many caster soloer type classes out there already.

06-06-2015, 02:02 AM
It depends what you want.. red is very diff than blue.

I rolled a sham, one of my favorite classes.. but on red but didnt enjoy it as much. its really more of a buff bot/support class, you do like 90% more buffing on red. I wont speak to its power in pvp, I think in the right hands can be very powerful, but I wasnt good at it at all! :)

Also soloing stuff the way you do on blue is a lot more difficult, you tend to want more pals to come with for pvp that will show up.

Rogues are always wanted, and very fulfilling class! If it turns out you like pvp, youll love that you rolled a rogue.

All melee's are really fun and great in pvp and only get stronger and stronger the more you play them.

Druids are also fun, and can do a lot with the playstyle on red, on average there are way more alpha druids on red than there are on blue, save a select few!

Enchanters are terrible on red (sorry readers!). Not the class, but the players. So good ones are very welcome in guilds and groups! Really good if you want to do solo camps, cus you can sneak around better than a shaman.

If you really enjoy the playstyle of a shaman, or enchanter and want to do more pve stuff, a monk is really great, but expensive to gear just like blue!

Wizards are popular for lower level pvp and there are a lot more on red than blue, and good!

Bards are bards, and very welcome too same as blue.

I hope that helps!

06-06-2015, 02:13 AM
Indeed, this helped. I am thinking shaman, but also maybe a monk. I'll see, be nice to level up something while on blue when lfg. Thanks for the report on how red class via works there among the red.

06-06-2015, 02:24 AM
Yea, I cant really speak to each class's viability in pvp because Im still learning, and there is a lot that makes someone good at each class. But overall play style and how you fit in as a blue learning to red, I def have the experience in.

Couple things to remember! Xp flows so well, that if you get into pvp skirmishes, just enjoy them and use them to practice your class's abilities in pvp. try thigns out and stuff, learn what gets resisted and stuff. Dont just boycot twinks attacking you by standing there and tryign to convince them they are jerks or something, use the moment to get some IRL skilups!

Also try not to hold grudges with someone who pvp's you, some of my best pals are people hat griefed me in my 40s *cough*Uuruk*cough... Just have fun with it, it feels a lot more like a playground.

And lastly prepare yourself for 50+ it gets hard... pvp gets crazy, and you have to start xping strategically, in out of the way zones with friends, or just hope for the best in a pug. Expect to have most of your deaths happen around 50-56 until you app empire and hang with all the best players on the box!

06-06-2015, 08:12 AM
And lastly prepare yourself for 50+ it gets hard... pvp gets crazy, and you have to start xping strategically, in out of the way zones with friends, or just hope for the best in a pug. Expect to have most of your deaths happen around 50-56 until you app empire and hang with all the best players on the box!

Play whatever class you think you'd enjoy. Melee combat is fun, but whatever you play you'll need resist gear.

I wouldn't app to Empire personally.

06-06-2015, 08:13 AM
red, red does have seperate forums

06-06-2015, 09:23 AM

"Brothers and sisters of the (p99) world... I feel that the devil is at work in this very thread, he who would promote segregation in our society rather than unity, harmony and a mutual appreciation for one another's culture."

"Let us go forward together, promoting red awareness in the spirit of tolerance, mutual understanding and yada yada... try red today!"
