View Full Version : Jeni and Pgerman

10-06-2015, 12:55 PM
Friends has about 20 members

An additional 15 or so that log in for uncontested pixels. On rare days. Which did not show up for this.

Empire has an entire guild of fairweather people that don't log in for anything other than uncontested pixels.

Raid day : 100 +
Regular day : 10-20 players (one of which is colgate, highest playtime on the box now, who got schooled at the last venril sathir pvp with his shitty late night crew)


We do not even use a batphone, or claim to be a "raiding" guild. If you log in and want to play, there is stuff to do.
In recent weeks people have been having fun.

During that sim re pop we had less than 22 all day.

On a side note, I don't know how the guild is surviving without agatha. Everyone seems to have forgotten all of their problems in recent weeks. The last few days have been actually fun.

Empire raiding with 150 dudes isnt appealing to most. Nor is the 30 + hours of raiding each week.
I like the game, but they take it to a whole-nother-level, its not fun at that point.

Everyone on the server except empire is probably having fun at this time. They play this shit like its their job. lol

You are not only a fan of raiding at 6am on sunday. You will actively contest mobs at 6am on a sunday.

Even in kuBark times for ragefire.

Go spin ur shit in guildchat no one here believes you.

If you don't show up on "colgate". You will just use another toon that you are not afraid to die on.
This is reserved for the fights that "might" be "close" to even.

I feel like you post, just to convince yourself that you dont raid 40 hours a week, and have a 90 hr per week addiction at minimum.
You actually might have more playtime now than nizzarr did. You've made it buddy !


Here are the standings based on awarded DKP loot. Sleeper's Tomb Loot and Velious Class Armor are not currently recorded on DKP so I am unable to add them here. For Example Checkraise's total is 10 excluding a full set of class armor. Colgate's total of 8 would exclude his primal, class wrists, class legs and other class loot he also has. For the math 20 items will count as being fully velious geared. Velious has been out for 2 months and will be the time used to calculate totals.

RANK 0. Slave - You have not received a single piece of velious dkp loot since launch.

1 DKP LOOT TOTAL- Serf - Unlike those dumb slaves you have something to show for hard work. It might be trash gear and rots but you can say you have Velious Raid loot. Suck it Friends!

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 3.333 years at the current rate of .5 drop per 1 month.

2 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Peasant - You have sowed the land and are starting to reap the benefits of your hard work.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 2.666 years at the current rate of 1 drop per 1 month.

3 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Villein - As a wealthy commoner you know with a little bit more work you can make it to the big league.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 1.111 years at the current rate of 1.5 drop per 1 month.

4 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Squire - Someone has taken notice of you and is bringing you up in this world.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.8333 years at the current rate of 2 drop per 1 month.

5 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Knight - Your lord values your strength and rewards your loyaltity.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.6667 years at the current rate of 2.5 drop per 1 month.

6 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Merchant - You have made a lot of friends trade goods and showing dependablity. The world is your oyster.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.5556 years at the current rate of 3 drop per 1 month.

7 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Thane - As a thane you watch over military from your comfy adminstrative office.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.4762 years at the current rate of 3.5 drop per 1 month.

8 DKP LOOTS TOTAL -Marquess - A high standing member of peerage who has good standing among his society. Being brought up in the upper class you shy away from duels and love cats.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.416667 years at the current rate of 4 drop per 1 month.

9 DKP LOOTS TOTAL -Bishop - Lowly peasents follow your word giving you great power in the community.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.3703 years at the current rate of 4.5 drop per 1 month.

10 DKP LOOTS TOTAL -King - Everything you want is handed to you regardless if you work for it.

ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.333333 years at the current rate of 5 drop per 1 month.

Below is the raw data with loot drops.

Thanks for reading and I hope you like my work!

Are you guys not having fun? Everyone else is.

10-06-2015, 01:08 PM

10-06-2015, 02:17 PM

10-06-2015, 03:51 PM
thank you thank you

10-06-2015, 04:17 PM
Gotta love the "we didnt lose cause were not trying" mentality from the most ocd tryhards on the box.

Denial exists because its really hard to accept the fact that you suck at something you have invested so much time, energy, and passion into.

10-06-2015, 04:26 PM
Gotta love the "we didnt lose cause were not trying" mentality from the most ocd tryhards on the box.

Denial exists because its really hard to accept the fact that you suck at something you have invested so much time, energy, and passion into.

did all content on live. now just having fun with my friends and playing the game we all love because there's literally no replacement for Everquest. but cool bro, enjoy yr 16 yr old elf sim victory while it lasts :cool:

Colgate 2.0
10-06-2015, 04:32 PM
you did all the raid content on live? but you didn't do any of the classic content, kunark content, and lodizal/stormfeather that you've been shitsocking for the past 2 months on live?

10-06-2015, 04:32 PM
Gotta love the "we didnt lose cause were not trying" mentality from the most ocd tryhards on the box.

Denial exists because its really hard to accept the fact that you suck at something you have invested so much time, energy, and passion into.

Yes because we couldn't all just join empire and "win". u r a real fuckin smart dude

10-06-2015, 04:35 PM
you did all the raid content on live?


10-06-2015, 06:41 PM
The only reason there is still a server at all, is because there are people that still want to spend time opposing the zerg in some way.

People should be thanking us for creating some sort of resistance to joining 150 man velius "raiding" guild lol.

Farzo and the other try hard morons suck no matter whos side they are on. They all try to ride the coat tails of the 3-4 good people in empire.

The fact that 20 people in "friends" can have such a large impact on farzos eq experience is justification enough that we are doing something right.

10-06-2015, 06:44 PM
Yes because we couldn't all just join empire and "win". u r a real fuckin smart dude

lol u guys really r clueless; there's people who have 95+ RA and haven't even received any BIS items.

it's not lke the shit drops 100% of the time.

keep to those 3 am vs raids

10-06-2015, 06:48 PM
Friends had VS/sev/fay/CT on a 2-5am timer for atleast a month EASY then slowly another 1-2 months sub 6am, after that CT slowly slipped hours later to noon EST with inny at 10pm+ EST. This was back when Empire didn't care and no one contested. VP timers were pretty whack, but anywhere from 10pm to 5am at night depending for PD. Numbers always spiked for CT, inny and PD.

10-06-2015, 06:51 PM
2 months in and not a single sighting on the BiS Paladin 1hs.

10-06-2015, 06:55 PM
going to have to stop you right there farzo

can't let you do the quadruple post

Just go lay down farzo, geezus.

10-06-2015, 07:01 PM
going to have to stop you right there farzo

can't let you do the quadruple post

Just go lay down farzo, geezus.

he's obsessed with us.

10-06-2015, 07:19 PM

10-06-2015, 07:23 PM
going to have to stop you right there farzo

can't let you do the quadruple post

Just go lay down farzo, geezus.


10-06-2015, 07:24 PM

10-06-2015, 07:25 PM
< . Y . >

10-06-2015, 07:25 PM
* - *

10-06-2015, 07:27 PM
yesh I am obsessed that's why I make threads like ::



10-06-2015, 07:28 PM
* - *

< . Y . >




10-06-2015, 07:30 PM



10-06-2015, 07:32 PM

10-06-2015, 07:33 PM
you call camping Unrest with rage bringer alts and fucking with TMO "opposing the zerg"

i c

10-06-2015, 11:54 PM
you call camping Unrest with rage bringer alts and fucking with TMO "opposing the zerg"

i c

We have more empire kills than all other guilds combined

You can't equip epics until 46

Your out of touch old man

10-07-2015, 12:28 AM
30 something ex military who had multiple level 60 hybrids on blue calling other thirty something year old, "old man".


10-07-2015, 12:45 AM
Yes because we couldn't all just join empire and "win". u r a real fuckin smart dude

Were you not a part of the 120 member zerg we trounced 3 months ago? We won, you didnt.

10-07-2015, 12:47 AM
30 something ex military who had multiple level 60 hybrids on blue calling other thirty something year old, "old man".


Being so immersed you think its reasonable to doxx people on an online video game.


10-07-2015, 12:48 AM
The only reason there is still a server at all, is because there are people that still want to spend time opposing the zerg in some way.

People should be thanking us for creating some sort of resistance to joining 150 man velius "raiding" guild lol.

Farzo and the other try hard morons suck no matter whos side they are on. They all try to ride the coat tails of the 3-4 good people in empire.

The fact that 20 people in "friends" can have such a large impact on farzos eq experience is justification enough that we are doing something right.

If there is only 3-4 good people in empire there must be absolutely 0 people in your guild that are any good, cause wtf, your getting fistfucked by 3-4 people?

10-07-2015, 01:39 AM
We have more empire kills than all other guilds combined

Empire invites newer players so they can down raid mobs in Velious


(this guy)

10-07-2015, 01:43 AM
so far in Velious, <Friends> have yet to kill an <Empire> member that wasn't naked at bind

warmest of alohas!

10-07-2015, 01:47 AM
The only reason there is still a server at all, is because there are people that still want to spend time opposing the zerg in some way.

People should be thanking us for creating some sort of resistance to joining 150 man velius "raiding" guild lol.

Farzo and the other try hard morons suck no matter whos side they are on. They all try to ride the coat tails of the 3-4 good people in empire.

The fact that 20 people in "friends" can have such a large impact on farzos eq experience is justification enough that we are doing something right.

Lol i missed this post till now.

God ur demented.

U guys only log in enforce when the server is at its lowest pop to kill a few 32k hp mobs then the rest of the time your seen hugging a tree or on your empire alts.

How the fuck are you any good or value for the server?

Most of the real mithril tunic bans in the past few months have all come from your guild too.

Deluded post.

10-07-2015, 06:28 AM
16 year old game 150 pop server.

u new to everquest m8?

10-07-2015, 09:55 AM
You're all fucking retarded