View Full Version : WTS Help me, just came back to eq after 12 years.

01-13-2016, 09:41 PM
Hello, a friend of mine had me come back and gave me a few items to sell to try to make some PP with, I'm having an extremely hard time selling them. I have a Tree Weave, Sarnak Battleshield, Wu's Quivering Staff, Wu's Trance Stick, Smoldering brand. I've played a druid up to lvl 18 in the last few days and am loving it, I just want to gear him some. Not sure what these things are worth, but any help would be appreciated.

01-14-2016, 04:42 AM
Have a look at the "P99 - Pricing"-box on the Wiki for each of those items.

Here are a few of your items:


01-14-2016, 06:41 AM
I would keep the shield and wear it. My lvl 60 druid still uses it. Your eventual goal should be to get a luminescent staff by lvl 45 when you can start clicking it. good luck!