View Full Version : ranger lvling ideas for 30-40

01-03-2011, 02:53 PM
i dont get on too often, but getting back on usally daylie to solo grind for a hour if no groups, and exp is quite slow

so i have been in ct, but i find the mobs easy to kill for me, but some give little amount of exp

i usally duo with a rl friend of mine who's a shaman, hes 45 i think, so we group sometimes, but which zone would be the best to form a group for thats lvl 30+, and whats the best place to duo?

so far i like sol a, but on my new computer i lag in the zone, where on my old comp i had no lag there

so far ive been playing this ranger for 5 months now and lvl 31, got to lvl 25 within a month easily, but i am just taking abit slow till when kunarks out

01-03-2011, 03:02 PM
The entrance mobs in SplitPaw are decent at 30 but as a duo you will most likely be limited to the mobs outside of the doorway.

01-03-2011, 06:37 PM
I would go to Lower guk until around lvl 40 then head to Sol B. But I love lower guk and apparently most people dont. Just fast xp and decent loots there especially at 35