View Full Version : WTS Bard Power Levels (Hourly)

10-14-2016, 05:41 PM
Given AOE limitations of a 25 mob cap. I'd like to sell my services at an hourly rate, rather than a, per level situation. Payments to be received at the end of each session.

Levels 1-45:
1000 Plat/hr

Levels 45-60
1500 Plat/hr for AOE (for more than one client)
1000Plat/hr plat for melee (smaller pulls = less risk for me)

*Always rounded up to the nearest half hour
*Half an hour minimum
*Payments to be received at the end of each session.
-A first time session will require payment for the first hour after that hour.

Payments to be received at the end of each session.
The first time session will require payment for the first hour after that hour.[/I]

Why Hourly?:
Given the 25 mob AOE limitations, client may not level up on every session. This would cause a payment hassle in a platinum per level structure.
Hourly is a more flexible structure for both parties. It leaves us without having to commit to an overall set price- We both get what we put in.

Subject to hourly rate:
You will be discounted for time interruptions on my part

Travel time (eg zone swapping due to outgrowing area)

Ill preparedness for an appt. I don’t anticipate many of these issues

I am allowed a bathroom/beverage acquisition break

My rate may go up for a client, if that client has a tendency for being a “no show” for an appt too often.

Tips: Being prepared with spells and good gear will better utilize kill times.
Consider terminating the session if something in RL comes up as I may continue to charge for wait times.

Suggested Spells:
Bard: Level 2 Chords of Dissonance, Level 18 Denon's Disruptive Discord
Cleric: Level 19 Word of Shadow, Level 29 Word of Spirit, Level 39 Word of Souls
Druid: Level 24 Tremor, Level 34 Earthquake
Magician: Level 24 Flame Flux, Level 39 Flame Arc
Necromancers: Level 20 Word of Shadow, Level 29 Word of Spirit, Level 39 Word of Souls
Wizard: Level 16 Project Lightning, Level 24 Cast Force

Ethics Disclaimer
I don't intend to step on other players’ toes. We are at the mercy of the "weather" as far as CCs go. There will be great effort to ensure our business is concluded with all parties satisfied.

I am a streamer, so you will make my stream 

10-14-2016, 06:28 PM
1500 Plat/hr for AOE[/B] (for more than one client)

*"or for more than one client"