View Full Version : Raid Suspension: Aftermath

11-03-2017, 11:30 AM
Aftermath is under Raid Suspension for the next 10 days for abusing the "accidental" privilege (on a previously conceded Lord Vyemm) and stalling/kiting on Lord Feshlak.

The suspension ends at: 12:01am EST November 13, 2017

Note*:To be clear (because I know that this will be compared to pulling in VP),
getting an accidental on a roaming dragon like Hoshkar while trying to pull Phara'Dar to the kill spot for no reason other than Hoshkar happened to be in the way, is not the same as making a purposeful and conscious decision to engage in actions that will trigger FTEs on a mob you previously conceded. Furthermore, if a guild is pulling Lord_Feshlak to the entrance from his spawn spot, there is simply no reason for Lord_Feshlak to go west of Aaryonar's spawn spot, as he spawns east of Aaryonar.