View Full Version : Immortals book in skyfire (monk epic)

09-17-2018, 01:56 PM
Hey guys, what is the easiest way for an unguilded monk to get the immortals book in skyfire ?
Are there any people planing to farm named there soon by any chance ?
I could offer 1k to buy lootrights for that book !
Thanks for your help !!

09-17-2018, 02:23 PM
Easiest way I found of getting mine was to spam /w all skyfire every 15 mins or so and start sending tells asking if they were killing named cycle. Took a couple days but finally got it

09-17-2018, 04:24 PM

There is an awesome named/ph cycle that can easily by done by a well synergized trio. There is a boulder on the zone wall to the west of the passage to burning wood. The ph spawns to the west (directly) of the rock, and then wanders out into the zone, but it DOES make its way back close to the rock eventually.

When I was going for my immortals book, myself (55 monk at the time) a 54 necro and a 55 shaman were able to lock down the spawn and kill it until we eventually got quite a few named. The ph/named will spawn 30 seconds after the previous ph/named death, so it is important to always be watching and waiting for the ph to pop so you don’t lose it to wandering again. It took me approx. 1 hour after we found the ph.

Best spot to camp at is as far up the wall as possible while still being able to see the ph spot.

Note: this spot also works for spawning the enchanter epic named.

Hope this helps!