View Full Version : Difference between infected paw and splitpaw? (Blue)

02-14-2020, 08:18 PM
Hello all,

Couple questions for the splitpaw experts.

First time ever finding this place, ran to SK and found the bones coming out of the ground and saw the hidden tunnel in middle area, but when I zoned in it said infected paw. P99 lists infected paw and splitpaw separately. I’m seeking the robe of ishva and found the area I need to be in but the PH listed name was not in that room, nor was the named, is infected paw the wrong zone to be in for the named that drops the robe?

55 SK cleared the room it was supposed to be in and took out 3 at once and was wayyy tougher then I thought it would be down there. Great gear/haste & Narandi’s on char but not raiding gear. Is this named even possible solo?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

02-15-2020, 03:07 PM
My memory is that the zone was originally called splitpaw when it had white gnolls (in 1999), then the name (upon zone in) was changed to "infected paw" when it was revamped with the higher-level brown gnolls. I don't think the /who name (paw) ever changed. We have only ever had the later, higher-level version on P1999 regardless of the name used.

Clearing the area with Ishva Mal is easy enough for a Shadow Knight (i've done it myself numerous times), but you want to split stuff out and kill the healers first. Trying to be lazy and fighting them all at once is asking for a long battle full of cross-heals.


02-15-2020, 06:21 PM
There's an entire 8-page thread about the new/old versions of that zone: https://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?t=326454 ... and I am not about to wade through it to find the correct answer as to what the old/new names were/are :)

Personally I was (mistakenly?) under the impression that "Infected Paw" was the old one and "Splitpaw" was the new one. If those should be reversed, or if one or the other should be using some other name, I'll be happy to do the wiki clean-up: someone just needs to say what the correct old/new name is.