View Full Version : Hate/Fear and Chardok revamp

03-10-2020, 03:54 PM
I stopped playing blue just before fear/hate revamp. Could someone please explain in a nut shell what the major changes were for these zones? Did it also stop the popular power leveling in Chardok?

03-10-2020, 06:51 PM
Fear changed loot around so stuff from old Cazic table is now on minis and Cazic got a new loot list. Hate added the second floor and updated loot tables for those mobs. Chardok AE groups stopped when the max AE spell effects went in and Chardok update added new loot tables and faction related quests.

The main results are fear is super contested for good Cazic loot and valuable golem loot. Hate minis are farmed by small group and occasionally guild groups will farm 2nd floor. And Chardok is dominated by factioned enchanters or occasionally other classes who can march right down to the camp they want and only kill PHs thus preserving most of their faction. Or in the case of enchanters, avoiding faction hits entirely as they charm the PHs and get it attacking stuff then gate and log out while so that it dies while they are offline. Then they go snipe named throughout the zone at will.

And predictably, the bottleneck steps of the chardok quests are locked down by a small group who sell the MQs for 120+plat each.

03-11-2020, 05:07 AM
Chardok AE groups stopped when the max AE spell effects went in and Chardok update added new loot tables and faction related quests.

This was partly also brought on by the PL groups not wanting to share the zone with people who wanted to XP normally in there, and it was a hub for RMT.... something had to be done ^^

03-11-2020, 10:39 AM
Yeah RMT sucks. Wish they’d get rid of MQ. That would handicap a large portion of it

03-11-2020, 11:38 AM
Nah then people would just sell the loot rights and drops would rot more often... Do not underestimate the neck beards