View Full Version : WTB Bard items (List)

06-11-2011, 10:47 AM
I began playing P99 a week or so ago and I'm trying to get an understanding of the economy and also how much I need to save. Please let me know if you could give me some prices (or even a donation, on the following items).

Ears - Opalline Earring
Fingers - Golden Star Ruby Ring
Neck - Cape of Midnight Mist
Head - Crested Helm or Skull-shaped Barbute
Chest - Lambent Breastplate, Mithril Breastplate
Arms - Mithril Vambraces
Back - Hooded Black Cloak or Cloak of Shadows
Waist - Thick Banded Belt
Shoulders - Crested Spaulders
Wrists - Runed Mithril Bracer
Legs - Silver-Plated Leggings
Hands - Charred Gauntlets
Feet - Dwarven Work Boots
Weapons - Crystalline Blade, Runed Falchion
Range - Dragoon Dirk

I understand there may be more beneficial items such as Lambent armor but to my understanding it is anywhere from 8-10k per set. I'm trying to find items that are relatively easy to come across.

Thanks in advance!

06-11-2011, 11:05 AM
You can get a set of Lambent for way less than 8-10k

BP and legs together will run you probably 1500-2k. the other pieces are under 300 each.

helm, gloves, arms, bracerx2, boots
that's 1800 at most. lets say you struggle and pay 3k for the rest

you're still at 5k for a set.

Just FYI

There's a good website to look up prices on these things yourself http://auction.goonquest.com/