View Full Version : Mob fear pathing

06-19-2011, 03:13 PM
Mobs have really strange pathing while feared. Every few seconds they'll completely change directions, basically walking in a random zigzag pattern. This is really inconvenient when fear-kiting as a melee, because you'll pretty much lose a round of melee combat every time it happens. With the kind of weapon a shadowknight typically uses, this becomes a significant portion of the potential damage you could have done during a fear's duration as the mob will abruptly veer in a different direction four or five times throughout the fear.

I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case. Playing a shadowknight main for a fair length of time, it was easy enough to detect the patterns. I believe all zones had one or more "fear nodes", points on the map that mobs would move towards when feared. Can anyone remember the details about this? It's been a long ass time and I'm a bit hazy about it, but I know for certain that fear kiting wasn't as impractical as it is here. It feels like playing an FPS at times.