View Full Version : WSOCK32 Issues

09-01-2011, 11:48 PM
Due to the recent flagging of wsock32 as a virus, I have temporarily disabled the requirement for it to log in.

When we were originally looking for ways to load our own code into the client (mainly for Classic EQ Changes, but additionally to keep a watchful eye on any programs hacking the client's memory), we originally tried to use one of the Direct X DLL Files. This created a confliction with WinEQ2, because it was also using the same method to hook into and take control of the window instance. Secrets offered the alternative to use wsock32 and at the time we did not think it mattered what DLL we used. Some people have claimed that wsock32 is dangerous because it has more access to the system than other DLL files. Whether this is true or not, our version of that file did nothing but proxy the calls and load eqgame.dll. I will be posting the source code of that file in the second post for any that are interested; it will be absolete now though.

I am already working on using a different DLL File within the Titanium installation itself, and is not a system file (and not that it would matter what type of file it is for our uses.. what matters most is how we use that file, and our needs do not require a file with any sort of access to the system; that is not our intention. We simply alter the client to behave more classic like while keeping an eye over it as stated).

Feel free to delete wsock32.dll and eqgame.dll from your directories for the time being, they aren't needed to log in. We will be introducing a new DLL File in the patch this weekend as a replacement.

09-01-2011, 11:48 PM
#include <Windows.h>

FARPROC p[75] = {0};

if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
hLThis = hInst;
char system[MAX_PATH];
hL = LoadLibraryA(system);
if (!hL) return false;


p[0] = GetProcAddress(hL,"AcceptEx");
p[1] = GetProcAddress(hL,"EnumProtocolsA");
p[2] = GetProcAddress(hL,"EnumProtocolsW");
p[3] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAcceptExSockaddrs");
p[4] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddressByNameA");
p[5] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetAddressByNameW");
p[6] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetNameByTypeA");
p[7] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetNameByTypeW");
p[8] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetServiceA");
p[9] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetServiceW");
p[10] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetTypeByNameA");
p[11] = GetProcAddress(hL,"GetTypeByNameW");
p[12] = GetProcAddress(hL,"MigrateWinsockConfiguration");
p[13] = GetProcAddress(hL,"NPLoadNameSpaces");
p[14] = GetProcAddress(hL,"SetServiceA");
p[15] = GetProcAddress(hL,"SetServiceW");
p[16] = GetProcAddress(hL,"TransmitFile");
p[17] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WEP");
p[18] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr");
p[19] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetHostByName");
p[20] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetProtoByName");
p[21] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber");
p[22] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetServByName");
p[23] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncGetServByPort");
p[24] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAAsyncSelect");
p[25] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACancelAsyncRequest");
p[26] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACancelBlockingCall");
p[27] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSACleanup");
p[28] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAGetLastError");
p[29] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAIsBlocking");
p[30] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSARecvEx");
p[31] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetBlockingHook");
p[32] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSASetLastError");
p[33] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAStartup");
p[34] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSAUnhookBlockingHook");
p[35] = GetProcAddress(hL,"WSApSetPostRoutine");
p[36] = GetProcAddress(hL,"__WSAFDIsSet");
p[37] = GetProcAddress(hL,"accept");
p[38] = GetProcAddress(hL,"bind");
p[39] = GetProcAddress(hL,"closesocket");
p[40] = GetProcAddress(hL,"connect");
p[41] = GetProcAddress(hL,"dn_expand");
p[42] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostbyaddr");
p[43] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostbyname");
p[44] = GetProcAddress(hL,"gethostname");
p[45] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getnetbyname");
p[46] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getpeername");
p[47] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getprotobyname");
p[48] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getprotobynumber");
p[49] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getservbyname");
p[50] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getservbyport");
p[51] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getsockname");
p[52] = GetProcAddress(hL,"getsockopt");
p[53] = GetProcAddress(hL,"htonl");
p[54] = GetProcAddress(hL,"htons");
p[55] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_addr");
p[56] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_network");
p[57] = GetProcAddress(hL,"inet_ntoa");
p[58] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ioctlsocket");
p[59] = GetProcAddress(hL,"listen");
p[60] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ntohl");
p[61] = GetProcAddress(hL,"ntohs");
p[62] = GetProcAddress(hL,"rcmd");
p[63] = GetProcAddress(hL,"recv");
p[64] = GetProcAddress(hL,"recvfrom");
p[65] = GetProcAddress(hL,"rexec");
p[66] = GetProcAddress(hL,"rresvport");
p[67] = GetProcAddress(hL,"s_perror");
p[68] = GetProcAddress(hL,"select");
p[69] = GetProcAddress(hL,"send");
p[70] = GetProcAddress(hL,"sendto");
p[71] = GetProcAddress(hL,"sethostname");
p[72] = GetProcAddress(hL,"setsockopt");
p[73] = GetProcAddress(hL,"shutdown");
p[74] = GetProcAddress(hL,"socket");

if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)

return 1;

// AcceptEx
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__0__()
jmp p[0*4];

// EnumProtocolsA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__1__()
jmp p[1*4];

// EnumProtocolsW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__2__()
jmp p[2*4];

// GetAcceptExSockaddrs
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__3__()
jmp p[3*4];

// GetAddressByNameA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__4__()
jmp p[4*4];

// GetAddressByNameW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__5__()
jmp p[5*4];

// GetNameByTypeA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__6__()
jmp p[6*4];

// GetNameByTypeW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__7__()
jmp p[7*4];

// GetServiceA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__8__()
jmp p[8*4];

// GetServiceW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__9__()
jmp p[9*4];

// GetTypeByNameA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__10__()
jmp p[10*4];

// GetTypeByNameW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__11__()
jmp p[11*4];

// MigrateWinsockConfiguration
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__12__()
jmp p[12*4];

// NPLoadNameSpaces
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__13__()
jmp p[13*4];

// SetServiceA
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__14__()
jmp p[14*4];

// SetServiceW
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__15__()
jmp p[15*4];

// TransmitFile
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__16__()
jmp p[16*4];

// WEP
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__17__()
jmp p[17*4];

// WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__18__()
jmp p[18*4];

// WSAAsyncGetHostByName
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__19__()
jmp p[19*4];

// WSAAsyncGetProtoByName
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__20__()
jmp p[20*4];

// WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__21__()
jmp p[21*4];

// WSAAsyncGetServByName
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__22__()
jmp p[22*4];

// WSAAsyncGetServByPort
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__23__()
jmp p[23*4];

// WSAAsyncSelect
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__24__()
jmp p[24*4];

// WSACancelAsyncRequest
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__25__()
jmp p[25*4];

// WSACancelBlockingCall
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__26__()
jmp p[26*4];

// WSACleanup
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__27__()
jmp p[27*4];

// WSAGetLastError
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__28__()
jmp p[28*4];

// WSAIsBlocking
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__29__()
jmp p[29*4];

// WSARecvEx
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__30__()
jmp p[30*4];

// WSASetBlockingHook
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__31__()
jmp p[31*4];

// WSASetLastError
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__32__()
jmp p[32*4];

// WSAStartup
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__33__()
jmp p[33*4];

// WSAUnhookBlockingHook
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__34__()
jmp p[34*4];

// WSApSetPostRoutine
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__35__()
jmp p[35*4];

// __WSAFDIsSet
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__36__()
jmp p[36*4];

// accept
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__37__()
jmp p[37*4];

// bind
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__38__()
jmp p[38*4];

// closesocket
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__39__()
jmp p[39*4];

// connect
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__40__()
jmp p[40*4];

// dn_expand
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__41__()
jmp p[41*4];

// gethostbyaddr
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__42__()
jmp p[42*4];

// gethostbyname
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__43__()
jmp p[43*4];

// gethostname
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__44__()
jmp p[44*4];

// getnetbyname
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__45__()
jmp p[45*4];

// getpeername
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__46__()
jmp p[46*4];

// getprotobyname
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__47__()
jmp p[47*4];

// getprotobynumber
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__48__()
jmp p[48*4];

// getservbyname
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__49__()
jmp p[49*4];

// getservbyport
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__50__()
jmp p[50*4];

// getsockname
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__51__()
jmp p[51*4];

// getsockopt
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__52__()
jmp p[52*4];

// htonl
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__53__()
jmp p[53*4];

// htons
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__54__()
jmp p[54*4];

// inet_addr
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__55__()
jmp p[55*4];

// inet_network
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__56__()
jmp p[56*4];

// inet_ntoa
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__57__()
jmp p[57*4];

// ioctlsocket
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__58__()
jmp p[58*4];

// listen
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__59__()
jmp p[59*4];

// ntohl
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__60__()
jmp p[60*4];

// ntohs
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__61__()
jmp p[61*4];

// rcmd
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__62__()
jmp p[62*4];

// recv
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__63__()
jmp p[63*4];

// recvfrom
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__64__()
jmp p[64*4];

// rexec
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__65__()
jmp p[65*4];

// rresvport
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__66__()
jmp p[66*4];

// s_perror
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__67__()
jmp p[67*4];

// select
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__68__()
jmp p[68*4];

// send
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__69__()
jmp p[69*4];

// sendto
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__70__()
jmp p[70*4];

// sethostname
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__71__()
jmp p[71*4];

// setsockopt
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__72__()
jmp p[72*4];

// shutdown
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__73__()
jmp p[73*4];

// socket
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__74__()
jmp p[74*4];

09-01-2011, 11:52 PM

HTML is cutting it off but that is including "windows".

09-01-2011, 11:54 PM

09-01-2011, 11:56 PM
Does this mean we can take off our tin foil hats?

09-02-2011, 12:06 AM
I see what's missing from that code:

if (player_class == "Ranger")
player_maxhp += 4000;
player_maxdamage += 500;
player_mitigation += 200;

09-02-2011, 12:17 AM
I see what's missing from that code:

if (player_class == "Ranger")
player_maxhp += 4000;
player_maxdamage += 500;
player_mitigation += 200;

Love it

09-02-2011, 01:26 AM
But will our brown skellies work??

09-02-2011, 02:19 AM
Nice job Rogean :)

09-02-2011, 04:46 AM
I see what's missing from that code:

if (player_class == "Ranger")
player_maxhp += 4000;
player_maxdamage += 500;
player_mitigation += 200;

If that was clientsided I would stab myself with a fork repeatedly.

09-02-2011, 10:35 AM
Replace it with poopsock32

09-02-2011, 12:50 PM

09-02-2011, 01:24 PM
Change the coding so that bards are rooted if they have more than two targets attacking them.

09-02-2011, 02:18 PM
In all seriousness, thanks Rogean.

I appreciate the effort to try and thwart cheaters and the willingness to change tactics when it causes broad concern like this.

09-02-2011, 02:49 PM
I'm all for the crew at Project 1999 implementing some kind of "Punkbuster" like software. Yes, it would be an ongoing battle between the cheaters and the developers in countering each other's efforts but it will hopefully stop the majority of the cheaters. This in addition to sticking solidly with the policy that people caught cheating get banned forever would go a long way towards addressing the issues which these cheats pose.
There were a lot of cheers and sighs of relief when this type of thing caught cheaters. It was also very concerning to many when Uthgaard announced his resignation and the implications which are obvious from he limited explanation of why. Also, many accounts of "well known" individuals suspected of cheating were suddenly unlocked as these individuals suddenly showed up on the server after a noticeable absence once the suspensions kicked in.

I think that the majority of those who play here would be fine with some forms of anti-cheating programs and those who aren't could always play on other servers.

09-02-2011, 03:20 PM
I don't know shit about computers, but appreciate the transparency when concerns of privacy arise.

09-02-2011, 03:28 PM
you block code like me rogean. I dig it.

09-02-2011, 03:44 PM
YAY, I get to install avast again was a toss up between eq and virus protection haha

09-02-2011, 03:47 PM
you block code like me rogean. I dig it.

Secrets wrote that file, I wrote EQGame. My code format is very different than hers (and probably pretty different from what is accepted as a standard). I like to make code look clean without opening bracket taking up their own lines everywhere, among other preferences.

09-02-2011, 06:17 PM
Why do I get this message when I try to extract the file? I can no longer get to the character select screen. It shows the bar loading with the EQ background then the next I know I'm signed out of my EQ account. Any ideas?

! C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\eqchangesv13(1).zip: Cannot create wsock32.dll
! Access is denied.
! C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\eqchangesv13(1).zip: Cannot create dbstr_us.txt
! Access is denied.
! C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\eqchangesv13(1).zip: Cannot create eqgame.dll
! Access is denied.
! C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\eqchangesv13(1).zip: Cannot create spells_us.txt
! Access is denied.

09-02-2011, 07:05 PM
I don't know much about computers but I was just on, and someone took over my system and was messing with my computer faster than anything I've ever seen. Powered it down, Ran antivirus / Spyware and it came out clean, Is it possible that someone has found a way to use this file to their advantage?


09-02-2011, 07:31 PM
I don't know much about computers but I was just on, and someone took over my system and was messing with my computer faster than anything I've ever seen. Powered it down, Ran antivirus / Spyware and it came out clean, Is it possible that someone has found a way to use this file to their advantage?


This is enough for me to uninstall and quit for awhile.. until further notice and concrete solutions are found.

09-02-2011, 08:26 PM
The EQ Launcher has screwed my EQ up so badly. I think it's pretty dumb that everyone is forced to use the same UI, too. I cannot launch Everquest anymore because it just crashes now. Says:

"The instruction at 0x10001a26 referenced memory at 0x0000003c. The memory could not be read. Click OK to terminate the program."

I guess I will just reinstall and hope it works. Basically what the guy above me is saying.

09-02-2011, 09:49 PM
nothing to do with the launcher as i already stated in your technical disussion post, you have to change eqclient.ini or go into options and set your screen resolution to fix this

09-04-2011, 11:15 AM
#include <Windows.h>
// socket
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __stdcall __E__74__()
jmp p[74*4];

Well DUH heres your problem........it should be

"C" __declspec(naked(Please)) void __stdcall __E__74__()

When you write code for a Living you have to beg or Purchase naked you cant just demand it!

09-04-2011, 03:47 PM

09-04-2011, 07:56 PM
I don't know much about computers but I was just on, and someone took over my system and was messing with my computer faster than anything I've ever seen. Powered it down, Ran antivirus / Spyware and it came out clean, Is it possible that someone has found a way to use this file to their advantage?


I seriously doubt this has anything to do with WSOCK32. It's much more likely that you have a hidden virus from somewhere else, or that you clicked on a .bat file or something that ran a script and it looked like someone was messing with your computer.

This is enough for me to uninstall and quit for awhile.. until further notice and concrete solutions are found.

You're dumb.

09-04-2011, 08:43 PM
I personally had no issues, no problems, none of my multiple antivirus software picked up anything while I was playing or otherwise. I am have trouble believing so many other people had so many problems with this. 5 computers in all with no problems at all.

09-05-2011, 07:35 AM
I personally had no issues, no problems, none of my multiple antivirus software picked up anything while I was playing or otherwise. I am have trouble believing so many other people had so many problems with this. 5 computers in all with no problems at all.

Same here, no issue what so ever. I actually feel like eq runs better becuase I have not had a client crash after the patch this was implemented in and also it's funny how after the suspensions people are saying all this stuff when the file was in long before then.

09-05-2011, 10:45 AM
You're dumb.

You're rude and probably 12 years old.

09-06-2011, 09:49 PM
You're rude and probably 12 years old.

Your mom's 12!

09-06-2011, 11:26 PM
it's funny how after the suspensions people are saying all this stuff when the file was in long before then.

No probs here but im playing on the same dinosaur I played on in 2002 or so, heck it has a 3.25" drive..

09-07-2011, 09:46 AM
it's funny how after the suspensions people are saying all this stuff when the file was in long before then.

I had issues after the suspensions because that is when people decided to tell AV vendors that the file contained a virus. Use your head.