View Full Version : Shortcuts

01-20-2012, 04:55 PM
I am wondering if there are better ways to doing things in EQ. Such as when I am making items in tradeskills. I ctrl click each item and move it into the sewing kit. Is this how everyone does it? Or is there a better way? Selling items, I click on the item I want to sell, click on sell button, click on next item, click on sell button. One thing recently I learned was holding down on shift and clicking on a stack will allow you to move the whole stack.

01-20-2012, 05:03 PM
Creating hotkeys:

If I wanted a hotkey for 'pet attack', I could type:

/ho attack /pet attack/hotkey [nameofhotkey] [command]

This would create a hotkey named 'attack' and place it on your cursor


If I wanted to raise my hand and say.. useful emote!

/raise say says useful emote!

01-20-2012, 05:57 PM
Is there a hotkey command for "Use item"? For example,

/sit off
/pause 2
/Use Circlet of Shadow

That might be useful.