View Full Version : Good newbie loot?

05-04-2010, 02:36 PM
When I started this server I had a streak of good luck. I kept finding myself in the right place at the right time to accept freebies, and have made a small fortune ninja looting Rivervale guards. At one point I had over 300pp at level 5. Now i'm level 10 (a month later) and am seeing zero income. I certainly remember still being broke and with crap equipment at level 30 in old EQ, but today I feel like I've been spoiled early on here.

I am playing a monk so I don't tend to loot much during grouping, and am forced to destroy or give away most of my coin. I'm getting bummed out because I can't find a solid flow of income, and I guess am still hoping to find another get rich fast scheme haha.

Some people might say leveling should be my priority, but I don't play all that much (4 hours a week?) and enjoy balancing my time between leveling and gear building. I guess I have more fun being powerful at lower levels and making the most out of it than level up quickly and having nothing.

I'm just curious to hear some preferred zones/techniques for low level loot and income. Farming bone chips? Silk? Anything/anywhere particular that is more lucrative than others?

05-04-2010, 02:41 PM
It might not be that amazing, but I enjoy running alts through Crushbone and selling the pads and belts for a steady income. People are always buying them to skip past the first 7 or so levels, so its a good market to have stock in.

Alawen Everywhere
05-04-2010, 02:42 PM
I can tell you how I made money at level 10. When we were little guys in Crushbone Steve Willcatchup <Divinity> gave me an obsidian scimitar. I immediately left Faydwer, ran to Freeport and begged a bind. Then I went to West Commons and slaughtered wisps. I sold all the lightstones and kept all the greaters. When I had collected about three backpacks full of GLS, I was level 14, so I ran all my GLS out to North Karana, got a ton of xp from the research quest and sold the containers for almost 10PP each to the same gypsy who does the quest. I came out of it level 15 with about 400PP.

Edit: Thanks Steve!!!

05-04-2010, 03:04 PM
I always used to see people doing that quest and never really bothered to look it up. Good info.

05-04-2010, 03:11 PM
Honestly, the AC hit for being overweight at low level is negligible (try it, go to the bank, and use copper to see how different amounts of weight affect your AC), so you shouldn't be worried about looting.

Get into some Derv groups in WC and NRo. They drop some bronze, the occasional fine steel, and every once in a while, a long sword that is worth over 10pp.

05-04-2010, 03:36 PM
Honestly, the AC hit for being overweight at low level is negligible.

For monks, it's way more substantial.

05-04-2010, 03:40 PM
I like the willowisp idea, I see them everywhere in WC and have been lucky finding greater lightstones. Luckily they still give me exp as well.

Tallenn, I actually wasn't even aware its the AC that is effected by weight. I feel like I notice a difference in my attack speed when I am overweight, but maybe that is just me being paranoid. By overweight I mean over 14 stones, which is the limit at level 10. I'll definitely do some tests though.

05-04-2010, 03:44 PM
I think Tallenn was just referring to the monk AC penalty for being encumbered.

05-04-2010, 03:51 PM
the hot lowbie items are spiderling/spider silk, bone chips, HQ pelts and belts/pads, mainly because you can sometimes find a ton sold to vendors and flip it for a quick profit.

05-04-2010, 04:00 PM
I never found the AC drop to be too restricting. Best way is to make sure everyone knows how to /split coin. I did alot of merchant diving with my monk starting off. Bone chips from NPC vendors are almost pure profit. The odd HQ pelt too only costs about 2 gold from merchants and resold for 10. It's a little shady, but I guess one man's garbage is another man's treasure.

Edit: damn Artea beat me to it.

05-04-2010, 04:12 PM
For monks, it's way more substantial.

That's what I'm talking about- the monk restriction of 14 units (or whatever it is). It's actually not very much at low levels. Seriously, use the copper trick to try it.

05-04-2010, 04:42 PM
If you're soloing, every bit of AC matters for monks, since monks still seem to take a little too many hits than what I remember.