View Full Version : New/Newb Player

10-18-2012, 09:17 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am a new player to the server and sort of a new player to Everquest. I played it long ago when it first released but at the time it just didn't click with me. I returned after the release of Velious and played a warrior up to level 27, before my computer broke and I gave up games for a time. I never really got far into the game and missed out on much of the details and wonder that exist in EQ.

I stumbled upon Project 1999 and after a month of just reading up have decided to take the plunge. So I am sort of a BIG newb when it comes to EQ, but I am trying my best and really enjoying myself so far. The vastness of the game and the challenge it presents is refreshing, even the deaths aren't bothering me (yet). Its all a very harsh learning experience, but fun!

My character right now is a Dwarf Warrior named Duney. I also made a Ogre Shaman named Doony. Not sure which I want to play ATM, but I have been having a bit more fun on my warrior.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting some of you in game and hopefully playing with some of your alts, if not your mains. Thank you to everyone who has thrown me a friendly SoW in passing!


10-18-2012, 09:38 PM
Welcome :)

10-18-2012, 09:51 PM
Welcome to P99

10-19-2012, 04:17 AM
welcome! have fun.