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Toad1 10-13-2020 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by FatherSioux (Post 3193478)
So you’re stance is unborn babies aren’t afforded any rights until they are born. Yikes

Perhaps unearthed potatoes have rights to grow into adults?

So that means those little taters in the store should be illegal now

what about baby carrots? They never get a chance to grow up?

i think premature babies should go in the garbage disposal

Pretzelle 10-13-2020 03:17 PM

A lot of people in this thread should have been aborted. Jesus Fucking Christ.

douglas1999 10-13-2020 03:18 PM

Abortions during the 1st trimester 4 all. After that it's creepy baby murder. Late term abortions are extremely rare, which is the right's main gripe, but also abortions as the result of rape are extremely rare, which is the left's go-to justification "A rape victim should be forced to have the baby??!" No, she shouldn't but that also almost never happens. The vast majority of abortions are just "whoopsie I'm pregnont lol!". Take the many readily available measures to ensure you don't get pregnant if you don't want to be, and go fuck like a rabbit for all I care. And even if those measures fail, you've still got a whole 3 months to decide to kill it or not! I think that's a pretty fair middle ground.

douglas1999 10-13-2020 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pretzelle (Post 3193499)
A lot of people in this thread should have been aborted. Jesus Fucking Christ.

Well that's creepy and psychotic, thanks Pretzelle. "People who I disagree with should have been killed long ago!!!". Weird and disturbing sentiment, you've gotta work on you before you go about changing the world.

Patriam1066 10-13-2020 03:20 PM

“Right leaning justices uphold the constitution.”

Oh really? Why do we have militarized police and private prisons then? The conservative justices on the court have been absolutely abysmal on criminal justice and government overreach. Edward Snowden will probably die in Russia and his crime was being a whistleblower. SAD!

Pretzelle 10-13-2020 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by douglas1999 (Post 3193503)
Well that's creepy and psychotic, thanks Pretzelle. "People who I disagree with should have been killed long ago!!!". Weird and disturbing sentiment, you've gotta work on you before you go about changing the world.

That you view abortion as killing tells me everything I need to know. A fetus isn't a living being - it's a parasite made up of human cells. And a woman should not be required to carry a parasite to term if she does not want to. Why are we punishing people for having sex? The religious dunces in this country need to get the fuck out of here with their morality.

Why do conservatives only care about "children" until they're born? There's no social safety net, no medical coverage, no guaranteed paid maternity/paternity leave, nothing. It's a sham and you know it. They just want to regulate and legislate the private activities of consenting adults.

Edit: Didn't hear any outrage that Trump's miracle cure used aborted fetal tissue from the conservative nutjobs on this forum. Wonder why?

Jibartik 10-13-2020 04:08 PM

I think if you think or dont think of abortion is murder is irrelevant.

The point that was being made was the democrats were trying to pack the courts because they believe in legislating with the SCOTUS: However if you think the SCOTUS should vote to overturn roe v wade, then you are the one that is trying to use the court to legislate, not the other way around. In this case, it is the Democrats that are trying to uphold the constitution.

I also think the ultimate irony is that one would think a fetus should be protected by re-interoperating the constitution, but not think Americans should be asked to wear masks during a national emergency.

None of the ideas are consistent. And yall make post after post after post about how the left is hypocritical because it doesn't want to make everyone live in prisons for all eternity to avoid the flu.

FatherSioux 10-13-2020 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Patriam1066 (Post 3193504)
“Right leaning justices uphold the constitution.”

Oh really? Why do we have militarized police and private prisons then? The conservative justices on the court have been absolutely abysmal on criminal justice and government overreach. Edward Snowden will probably die in Russia and his crime was being a whistleblower. SAD!

Did you know that Snowden used credentials of coworkers to obtain the documents he leaked? Credentials he obtained maliciously. Snowden isn't the hero you think he is, he is an opportunist charlatan.

Most of what you speak of is due to executive overreach. Also I never claimed they were perfect, they without a doubt uphold the founding fathers visions to a greater degree than advocate judges the left throws out.

Woke Locc 10-13-2020 04:37 PM

“This is what nominees do,” Buttigieg said. “They write the most seemingly unobjectionable, dry stuff. But really what I see in there is a pathway to judicial activism cloaked in judicial humility.”

FatherSioux 10-13-2020 04:49 PM

Gay Pete would win this election in a landslide. The DNC is really, really, really bad at their job.

Pete contends The Constitution is a living document. This is a split in the road for many, I do not believe it is a living document, he does. He's entitled to that and that is where Jibartik and I differ as well. I enjoy the founding fathers vision and don't think it needs to be altered yearly.

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