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nottitanuk 10-31-2019 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Stasis01 (Post 3009046)
Funny part is I’m the only one willing to accept Nizzar as king from the history rewriters. You can believe that the holo ban is why he won if you want. But we all know we couldn’t kill nag legit and they shit kicked us at fear and everyone quit haha.

Nihilism didn’t kill naggy legit either until later on after we got banned . The first 3 kills they did it the same way we got banned for .

We also would of killed him legit but hb forgot to hit his clicks :(

heartbrand 10-31-2019 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by nottitanuk (Post 3009058)
Nihilism didn’t kill naggy legit either until later on after we got banned . The first 3 kills they did it the same way we got banned for .

We also would of killed him legit but hb forgot to hit his clicks :(

Lol that is true

Palemoon 10-31-2019 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Stasis01 (Post 3009046)
Funny part is I’m the only one willing to accept Nizzar as king from the history rewriters. You can believe that the holo ban is why he won if you want. But we all know we couldn’t kill nag legit and they shit kicked us at fear and everyone quit haha.

Nizzar won because of a combination of time/dedication to the game, knowledge of the game/mechanics, and actually being nice and supportive to not only his guildmates but to randoms on the server.

A critical moment in box history was when the smaller guilds were drying up and the last three big guilds left were Nihilum, Holocaust and one other that for the life of me I cant remember the name of now. Anyways it was that 3rd guild I and many others ended up in when our small guilds all died away. (Spear of the Nation, Blood Money, and the rest)

Holocaust spent all the time previous just griefing when and who they could, while Nizzar and co. actually helped randoms (including me). So finally they BOTH came courting those of us in that 3rd guild (Jesus, what was it called? think it was ran by a halfling druid who I also can't remember the name of) to join one or the other.

Well vast majority of us voted to join/merge with Nihilum, which sealed holos fate. They were already on the ropes by that point anyways because Nizzar outplayed them constantly.

Azreal was never anything but a nice distraction and play thing to spice up raid life in Kunark. Nizzar was never worried about them or lite. It was never even a contest, unlike the critical battles in classic between holo and nihili.

Bazia 10-31-2019 10:56 PM

nizzar was not nice he was perma-banned from red for threatening to have derubael killed, and was perma-banned from blue for using SEQ (why he was playing red in the first place)

perma-banned from every p99 server, great guy

Palemoon 10-31-2019 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bazia (Post 3009331)
nizzar was not nice he was perma-banned from red for threatening to have derubael killed, and was perma-banned from blue for using SEQ (why he was playing red in the first place)

perma-banned from every p99 server, great guy

Threatened to have Derubael killed? Yeah right.

He was a nice guy that took time out of his day to help noobs on the server, I saw it when we were all still level 20 and I saw it months later. Thats why people joined him, instead of the others who would just randomly attack everything they saw like rabid dogs (and drove everyone back to blue by xmas).

It was not <insert random mechanic> , it was all you assholes that could not control and moderate yourselves that tanked the server pop early on.

coolget 10-31-2019 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Stasis01 (Post 3008633)
I mean look at Colgate, the guy quit for years because Nizzar was unstoppable, then comes back and 24/7 raids Velious because he's on top?

He's just 1/1000 like that though.

if you want my honest perspective in a probably-too-long essay, here it is:

i was 20 years old when i started playing again in kunark and just wanted to troll/grief people on video games while i had massive playtime in college

nihilum had an easily-attacked history from classic and also the most people, so they became the natural target, and thus my mega shithead persona latched on

after dentists quit, i started playing more with azrael since they were the only non-nihilum option left, but didn't really get all that into it

lite was a fantastic player, but his own ideals about how everquest pvp should be just weren't realistically sustainable; most people who want to play games like this end up playing games actually designed for it. everquest is >95% pve/gear/progression focused, so you won't find enough people on these low population servers for his pvp utopia unless the server ruleset/staff are trying to achieve specifically that... but we all know that red99 was not anything close to that

most of the rest of azrael were equally as mentally deranged as anyone else on the server, and i found nearly all of them unpleasant to play with:
- the rampant victim mentality (people legitimately feeling as if they were oppressed on emulated everquest and were part of a "resistance")
- the crazy-dramatic weirdos (looking at tunak, here)
- the extremely low IQ (brobb, northwest types)
- the people who felt legitimately betrayed by someone playing a video game differently than them or on a different team (almost all of them)

all of these combined kept me wholly uninterested in long-term play, but there were a handful of pretty cool dudes, as basically every guild has

i had just recently started dating someone, but my massive playtime shortly became detrimental to both my relationship and my schoolwork, so after several months, i decided to take a break to focus on both of those things instead while logging in very sparingly

after about a year of off-and-on trolling on the forums, derubael finally cracked and banned nizzar, so i decided to play casually again with my old holocaust pals and try to pvp here and there on the shaken-up box

of course, this legitimately enraged many, if not all, of my ex-azrael guildmates in a very non-normal, yet expected, way, and they declared me no longer a pal

we took lite and the azrael leadership up on their claims of wanting civility between guilds with dreams of agreements about how pvp should be conducted, so we attempted to bargain for kunark repop day PvP later than 9 AM in the morning so we could field more than 10 people versus azrael's 30-45, but basically got told to fuck off due to past grievances on the server and affiliation with ex-nihilum players

with the olive branch rejected and realizing that most of azrael were the exact same as their nihilum sworn enemies, i got critically immersed in the prospect of trolling/griefing once again, so we kicked recruitment into overdrive and took back the server pretty quickly, mostly due to lite's refusal to recruit

at that point, for me at least, it was equally as funny to troll from the opposite, dominating-the-box perspective against those who practically spat in my face

kunark got very boring, but velious on the horizon was interesting enough to keep going just to progress through the raid content, which would be impossible without a stranglehold on the server upwards of 80 people to actually do things like the avatar of war

velious came and went with basically zero competition, we killed the avatar of war several times, had all of ToV cleared in 3 hours once a week, had sleeper's tomb on farm, and came to the point where 99% of the loot in the game went to random shitters or alts

the empire/holocaust core got bored, decided that suddenly waking the sleeper would be the final troll, and we peaced out

Tune 10-31-2019 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Stasis01 (Post 3008633)
I mean look at Colgate, the guy quit for years because Nizzar was unstoppable, then comes back and 24/7 raids Velious because he's on top?

lemme fix+ tl:dr this 1 for ya bros


Originally Posted by coolget (Post 3009360)
after about 5 years of off-and-on trolling on the forums, derubael finally cracked and banned nizzar, so i decided to play casually again with my old holocaust pals and try to pvp here and there on the shaken-up box

coolget 10-31-2019 11:52 PM

why did you edit that quote?

Smedy 11-01-2019 05:10 AM

shit ton of essay's here explaining ya'lls elfsim careers, i think its time to wipe the slate and move on boys, no one really cares

Videri 11-01-2019 05:50 AM

That's the most words I've ever seen Colgate type. And look, he capitalized things! But not the beginnings of sentences. Only IQ, PvP, and ToV. Which proves he does have a shift key.

Anyway. What makes Lite such a fantastic player, Colgate? Or other people?

Also, since you were recruiting to the max, how did you lead all the noobs you must have inevitably taken in? Did you know 100% of everything about EQ yourself and did you hold their hands? Or did you do an epic job of delegating/outsourcing raid leadership and cat-herding? I'd be curious to hear your take on guild leadership if you have time.

Colgate or any of you, actually.

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