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Elendae 04-22-2010 05:00 AM

most recently, Plumb, who dropped a Lambent stone into my hands. And I'm 28. Always nice to see people just being generous no matter the level.

toddfx 04-22-2010 10:44 AM

Thanks to Bayleo who gave me, level 8 bard, a Crested Helm, Lizardscale Cloak, Spiked Collar, and a fancy dagger and some kind of hide sleeves that slip my mind at the moment. He also offered several pieces of bronze. I now feel uber!

Vonyor 04-22-2010 01:55 PM

As awesome as this thread is, it is kind of the kick in the balls for people who don't get thanked and have done some way more generous things. Unfortunately even I can't remember the names of everyone that has helped me (I use in-game /note function for reminders but I can't log in right now)

However I noticed clerics are getting allot of thanks, even though they often get 100p+ tips for their work it does remind me of Zexa from Inglourious Bastards.

She would spend huge amounts of time rezzing people back in the day when she would be literally the only cleric on who had 90% rez. Also most of the time back then people had little or no money to donate. She rezzed 3 of my corpses before and all I could donate was 10plat lol. Btw Zexa if you ever need a port just send me a tell.

Tenurn 04-22-2010 02:02 PM

I wanna thank Slowroll for all his help to my Ogre Shadowknight. He gave me Large bronze BP and FS great sword has helped greatly from lvl 1-6. He also gave me a SOW and directions from Feerott to Freeport.

Also, I wanna thank Stumbles and anyone else in EC for buffing me as I ran by. Never leveled from 5-6 so fast.

Yellow 04-22-2010 02:08 PM

i would like to thank a few people... umm thanks to the shaman, umm damn i cant think of his name but he was in IG at the time and was an ogre... he helped me by running me to EC from inny when i FIRST started ever playing... and he buffed my grp and helped me with some gear.. Also would like to thank jify for helping my bard when i needed help by teaching me to properly twist and i think he gave me some gear... and thanks to rosy for being awesome.

Tallenn 04-22-2010 03:40 PM

Thanks to Aquan for spreading around uber damage shield love to just about everyone she passes!

Healthcare 04-28-2010 04:09 PM

Thank you to Ektar for suddenly giving me 50pp in OOT thus giving me a chance to buy an Ebony Bladed Sword and get my ranger started off well. Also to Kelkick for providing some free stuffs in Kelethin and all the other noobs he was giving away stuff to.

Sadface 04-28-2010 04:15 PM

I'd like to thank Jesus. With the power of god anything is possible.

km2783 04-28-2010 05:10 PM

Baolon I think it was? Enchanter who helped me and some friends go get my body from the feet of a gnoll commander. Wasn't the only corpse I saw him helping find last night, either.


Originally Posted by Sadface (Post 53232)
I'd like to thank Jesus. With the power of god anything is possible.

I bet his internet connection rocks. No wires and zero latency. :eek:

oldhead 04-28-2010 05:15 PM

Dunno his name... a guy from Inglorious Bastards ( have his name on my friends list) hooked me up with about 600-800p worth if items when i was around level 5. I didnt know they were worth that much until level 15ish.

Another gent by the name of Bashndash gave me 150p in place of an item (about the same value. Gave me the plat FINALLY when I was level 15) I won during a trivia competition he was holding in OOC when I was level 1 and only about an hour new to the server.

Although I had like 0 plat until 15 when bash gave me my winnings I was still rocking some decent gear and it helped out a ton being my first char.

I rerolled, used the 150p from bash to buy CB belts and hit level 7 in under 2 hours. Had a little money left over for spells / basic armor / and backpacks.

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