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Swish2 08-11-2019 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Acidreams (Post 2946336)
Wish people wouldnt write long arguements just stick to the aimless one liners pls its more entertaining

Not in the above case, however.

Heywood 08-17-2019 01:52 PM

This is why I could never play on blue.

"You killed my mob"

"No, you killed my mob"

"No, u"

Chortles Snort|eS 08-17-2019 02:27 PM

sound liek u got in trouBle

Chortles Snort|eS 08-17-2019 02:35 PM

for playing game!

Dark_Magic 08-18-2019 11:37 AM

If he was successfully keeping all 3 spawns down before respawns, then he was successfully camping all 3 spawns. You are the entitled one showing up expecting mobs.

Doesn't matter what the LoS server rules are IMO. That's childish lawyerquesting bullshit. If someone is clearly camping a set of mobs, go find something else to do. It's a big server. Disrupting someone's camp just because you want their mobs is a retarded thing to do.

bomaroast 08-18-2019 11:49 AM

Server rules are that you have to share. If you're camping multiple PHs and someone wants in, you have to share. Thems the rules. I think they're good.

Patriam1066 08-18-2019 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Kushida (Post 2944336)
Sounds like you tried to rule-lawyer him out of a camp, but you fucked up and broke server rules yourself. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Case closed

Jadian 08-18-2019 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by hotkarlmarxbros (Post 2944298)
Three year olds whose vocabulary consists only of the word "MINE!" and nothing else.

Here is the situation: Fragmented is killing all three ice giants outside of permafrost. Great. He can have the two spawn, now that I'm here, I will take the single spawn. I assume this goes without saying because these are two separate camps as there is nowhere you could sit maintaining LOS on all three mobs (which I could be mistaken, please correct me if I'm wrong). After killing the single spawn we come back to a bit of an outburst.


After stating this, his buddy Scrody shows up and sits at the two spawn and he plops down next to me at the single spawn, ready to nuke down the ice giant when he pops:


As there are no GMs on, I humbly submit this to RnF in hopes of getting some clarification. Are all three ice giants a single camp making me the asshole here? Or is the single spawn a separate camp and Fragmented is in the wrong?

You learned the only real lesson necessary for this server via this incident or via this thread.... this community is cancer.

shuklak 08-18-2019 02:47 PM

OP is reason we have a more cumbersome rulebook than Obamacare.

Thanks op for p99acare.

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