Project 1999

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Jimjam 05-26-2021 02:12 PM

Bards still need mules to pass their notes across Antonica.

Twochain 05-26-2021 02:15 PM

I've been a bit inactive, but p99 seems to be pretty much the only MMO i'll find myself involved in. For a couple reasons.

1. Raiding is still fun. Some aspects of raiding is not fun. My attention span is about the lowest 1% in the world. So I mostly don't do that stuff. It's still a rush to execute a Vulak kill, such as the 12pm on a weekday kill with 50 less people than the opposing force. It's just not something you can experience in classic WoW. Raiding in WoW is extremely straight forward. You know exactly what time of the week the raid is going to happen. You know what you're going to do on the raid. You have a general idea of whether or not your guild is going to succeed on the kills or not. You spam your buttons. You wipe. You try again. Repeat

2. Norrath itself. I'll concede it's probably nostalgia, but the aesthetic is unparalleled in my book.

3. And most important, is gear. That thunderfury you grinded your ass off for? About to be useless next week. All those hours, for it to be moved to your bank to look at once every two months as a trophy. Meanwhile, my monk has had an Abashi for 3 years. As long as this project exists, I get to operate my bad ass toons. Those hours I put in are not going to be made obsolete by an upcoming expansion. That's been my biggest gripe with mmo's all these years. I've made it to the raid scene in a few different expansions on WoW, and i've always found myself wondering what the fuck the point was around the time my toon got pretty geared, but not VERY geared. Why keep grinding for best in slot gear when it's going to be worthless in a couple months?

4. Twinks, and gear overall. MMO's and ARPG's for that matter really started to lose me when gear became bind on equip, and level capped. Leveling my Fungi, full SS gear and clickable (before they nerfed that) druid from level 5 is probably... by a large margin.. the most fun i've EVER had leveling a toon. Leveling druids otherwise would be a snooze fest for me. Quadding? Boring. Doing quests in WoW? Boring. Saving up plat and giving my level 5 druid full raid gear, drones of doom click at level 5, regrowth of the grove self cast at level 5 + Fungi? Amazing. I was charming crocs in guk as extra DPS while just tanking 4-5 mobs at a time. So much fun. Making a twink on WoW is getting to a certain level and being able to buy whatever is best in the auction house. Twinking in EverQuest is a whole different level of rewarding. Having a KT axe on a level 1 gnome warrior is just.. fun. It's hilarious. Your group mates wondering why a gnome warrior with what looks like an axe of the iron back is putting out double the DPS of the rogue in group before you link. White dragon teeth before the nerf... etc etc there's just so many fun options to be able to twink your characters here. And, not only that, there's all the time in the world to farm the items for them, as there isn't an expansion looming that will make your new project obsolete.

5. Community. You can make friends in WoW, but the community in EQ has been different in a better way since 1999. I've done so many end game pick up raids in WoW where... nobody even talks to each other. Not one message in raid chat. Everyone just reacts to the instructions whatever raid addon they have installed... and basically behaves like an AI. Not stimulating enough for me.

Twochain 05-26-2021 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Littul Jonn (Post 3313540)
Well thank you for those who have participated in this discussion/rant of mine. I leave you with two screen shots.
First is my favorite screen shot of my bard I've ever taken. Ironically on a wipe on a ring war but it was beautiful haha. I accomplished much with this bard and helped my guild become a competitor in the raid scene and made plenty of good friends and memories along the way.
Second is my first time seeing Ragnaros. I never played WoW back in the day so classic WoW felt like the expansion to classic everquest we should have got. We started this guild with some others from p99 and have added to it since launch.

With TBC launching I don't think I'll be back here much anymore. If anyone wants to come say hi, I'll be in <Corpse Run> on Herod slinging chain heals on my shaman. Be well everyone!

Yes you can have my p99 stuff, PM me if you really want it :D

I'd use ur bard babe. I miss all of ya'll I don't see anymore. I had fun in Corpse Run, I wish I had liked classic WoW more but... :(

loramin 05-26-2021 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Littul Jonn (Post 3313458)
So I ask you this, why do you still play?

Littul Jonn 05-26-2021 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Twochain (Post 3313552)
I'd use ur bard babe. I miss all of ya'll I don't see anymore. I had fun in Corpse Run, I wish I had liked classic WoW more but... :(

Twochain!!!!!! Of course, let me know if ya want the info.

Also, very valid points. I too enjoy Norrath a ton, something about it and the lore I've always loved. Azeroth has been fun though and I still enjoy running around there. Your point about gear is mostly true, except Thunderfury is still pretty good in TBC haha, all other teir gear needs to be replaced though :D

Shoot me a message anytime :)

Littul Jonn 05-26-2021 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by RecondoJoe (Post 3313546)
You must be a real noob at WoW. Ragnaros has been a raid boss in WoW at least 6 times. Felt like the Ragnaros fight in Firelands was shockingly easy for an end-game boss.

What part of "I never played WoW" did you not read/understand? So yes, seeing Ragnaros in classic WoW was the first time I saw him since I didnt play WoW at launch through the other alleged 6 times he was a raid boss... SMH

Twochain 05-26-2021 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Littul Jonn (Post 3313576)
Twochain!!!!!! Of course, let me know if ya want the info.

Also, very valid points. I too enjoy Norrath a ton, something about it and the lore I've always loved. Azeroth has been fun though and I still enjoy running around there. Your point about gear is mostly true, except Thunderfury is still pretty good in TBC haha, all other teir gear needs to be replaced though :D

Shoot me a message anytime :)

It won't let me =P and we're no longer in any of the same discords :(

Send me a PM if you want, i'd make sure to score yellow texts in honor of the lejund :)

Jibartik 05-26-2021 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Twochain (Post 3313551)
2. Norrath itself. I'll concede it's probably nostalgia, but the aesthetic is unparalleled in my book.

Out of every game its the only one that feels like a standard fantasy universe.

Everyone else tries to fill the universe with their own brand.

But EQ is like, fantasy by the book.

AND still its own brand.

Magic baby!

Grumph 05-26-2021 03:13 PM

Every once in a while there's a quake.

And sometimes I'm available to play during it!

strongNpretty 05-26-2021 03:18 PM

-So many zones to still crawl and explore
-As a filthy casual playing a game called everquest- It truly feels like i have enough content to keep me busy for the rest of my days on this earth.
-So many awesome people, best community ever.
-Enjoyable playing a game that's mostly adults.
-Being locked at Velious, I get to play a game that i don't have to rush through.. I dont need to raid content like an addict in prep for a new expansion.
-Multiple classes/races i have never touched and know nothing about.
-This is the only game i can login and play with absolutely 0 stress. And i can play how i want!

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