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FatherSioux 11-10-2020 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by magnetaress (Post 3209062)
This is because as a group "Trans" (and I use that term very loosely and all encompassing of a large general group, so inclusive that no ones feelings get hurt, right??) are very insecure people lol.

News flash to anyone out there. You're not unique because you're insecure. All humans have insecurities. I'll share with you my favorite saying

You're unique, just like everyone else.

Get over yourself, no one cares about your feelings. Nor should you be too concerned with others. Improve yourself, move on and achieve. God I can't stand this soft living that is taking over society.

magnetaress 11-10-2020 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by FatherSioux (Post 3209070)
News flash to anyone out there. You're not unique because you're insecure. All humans have insecurities. I'll share with you my favorite saying

You're unique, just like everyone else

Get over yourself, no one cares about your feelings. Nor should you be too concerned with others. Improve yourself, move on and achieve. God I can't stand this soft living that is taking over society.

yeah, fair point, can i say trans people tend to lean more towards insecurity? tho?

Anyway excellent advice, regardless.

Danth 11-10-2020 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by magnetaress (Post 3209062)
This is a topic that nears impossible to be PC about.

Then--don't try to be. Say it direct. If you can't say what you mean, how are you supposed to mean what you say?

You are right in that insecure people tend to be easily-offended. I get annoyed at having to preface comments with half a dozen disclaimers so people can figure out that they shouldn't take offense from neutral discussion or from people having differing opinions about something.

You said above that trans is a poor term. I sort of disagree; it seems to serve its purpose well enough for want of anything better. It is something you and I, for example, can agree on, so it's useful for facilitating a conversation such as this one instead of bogging down and arguing over who's a woman and who isn't. I know what I see, someone else doesn't want to see himself the same way I see him, so a neutral word in the middle seems useful in that sense.


magnetaress 11-10-2020 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Danth (Post 3209072)
Then--don't try to be. Say it direct. If you can't say what you mean, how are you supposed to mean what you say?

You are right in that insecure people tend to be easily-offended. I get annoyed at having to preface comments with half a dozen disclaimers so people can figure out that they shouldn't take offense from neutral discussion or from people having differing opinions about something.

You said above that trans is a poor term. I sort of disagree; it seems to serve its purpose well enough for want of anything better. It is something you and I, for example, can agree on, so it's useful for facilitating a conversation such as this one instead of bogging down and arguing over who's a woman and who isn't. I know what I see, someone else doesn't want to see himself the same way I see him, so a neutral word in the middle seems useful in that sense.


Yeah but there is a huge difference and gulf between someone who bothered to medically transition, speaks like not a dudevoice, and like for example 'philosopher trans people' or social activist trans people. Or that 1 crazy troll who keeps sueing beautypagenets because they where disqualified for being the wrong sex.

I hate the fucking word, it's nothing but grief because inevitably retards (and there's a lot of them) use it as a fucking god damn bludgeon.

Danth 11-10-2020 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by magnetaress (Post 3209074)
YI hate the fucking word, it's nothing but grief because inevitably retards (and there's a lot of them) use it as a fucking god damn bludgeon.

Don't blame you for that one. It gets old. There are a couple words (referencing very different subjects, obviously) I try to avoid in reference to myself for much the same reason. On the other hand it's acceptable that the term isn't very specific; it doesn't need to be for its purpose since any specifics can be cleared up later when necessary. Same as I can call myself "white" without needing to specify that I'm of mainly Irish and French background.


Originally Posted by magnetaress (Post 3209074)
speaks like not a dudevoice

How do you do that, anyway? I mean, mechanically. I'm physically incapable of sounding like a woman even if I wanted to. Starting from my usual low baritone/high bass voice the highest I can manage to croak out is still not particularly high-pitched nor feminine sounding. I've always assumed that guys who manage to do that probably started out with somewhat more womanly-sounding voices to begin with but is there something more?


Cecily 11-10-2020 11:32 AM

Naw. You almost certainly have the capability. It just requires months of voice training and way more dedication than most cis people can muster. Always blew my mind that some trans women would be super pretty and just talking with guy voices. It is weird af to train though.

magnetaress 11-10-2020 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Danth (Post 3209075)
How do you do that, anyway? I mean, mechanically. I'm physically incapable of sounding like a woman even if I wanted to. Starting from my usual low baritone/high bass voice the highest I can manage to croak out is still not particularly high-pitched nor feminine sounding. I've always assumed that guys who manage to do that probably started out with somewhat more womanly-sounding voices to begin with but is there something more?


It's not to bad. Google male to female voice feminization (or just voice feminization probably lol, the male to female bit is probably redundant). And click on the video tab. I feel like what stops most people is:

For some it limits the range of their voice so they don't sound all that great.

It takes a lot of exercise. Kind of like bench pressing. You have to keep up with it and develop the strength. It's not something that just happens without practice and easing into it.

Most people are in the average area though and we have a larger range and capability than we realize.

Mechanically, it's just making the throat smaller and the larynx higher, and resonating off different parts of our jaw/skull. And using different vowel and consonant? sounds. In english males and females trend towards different sounds. So a male "ahhh" is different a bit from a female "ahhh". And I guess as kids we train ourselves to mimick our parents? Depending on our sex, usually? Theorycrafting on that last bit. So, there's this little flap inside there too which singers control more voluntarily, but we kind of subconsciously close or open, which allows sound up into the nasal cavity, etc. But that stuff is just getting picky. It's mostly in the throat. Throat size. Airway size. And were our vocal cords feel comfortable.

I have a passable voice, but I never really 'fine tuned it to be hyperfemine' some people go so far as to change their accent lol. I think I picked up a heavy mixture as a kid of how I learned to talk.

Probably the coolest thing for me which took some effort is being able to spontaneously laugh like a girl.

There's probably a few people that will struggle to maintain a 220? hz range and sound natural. It's not something absolutely everyone could do.

I had a few videos saved at one point which was kind of a private playlist, I never wanted to share them publicly with p99 cuz god, what if all these dudes started sounding like girls omg :( (sourcasms)

Danth 11-10-2020 12:08 PM

Thanks for the link Cecily. It's proving educational. You're correct, I have no cause to ever make a concerted effort at it. Does it ever become natural or do you always have to consciously maintain it?


magnetaress 11-10-2020 12:13 PM

For me now it's autonomic, reflex, I don't even think about sounding "like a girl". I used to tho on the way there. But I also think I had some advantages. Like not heavily identifying with my male siblings/parents/peers and so not mimicking them to the same degree initially.

[REDACTED] did not sound like a girl the last time I talked to her. But I hope she's made some good progress.

Go to a football game cheer your team at max volume for 8 hrs in a bikini without your voice cracking then get back to me before I accept you as a woman, *flexes neck*.

On a side note, for those that don't have the chops for it naturally, there is also voice feminization surgery. I hear sometimes people get fucked up, mute, bad things happen in some percent of the cases however.

It's not that important to sound like Emma Watson tho. So don't fixate on it.


Originally Posted by Mblake81 (Post 3209087)
Folklore says that the real Hell is being trapped inside a small room with a born-again Christian, A Pot Head, A Vegan, A Trans..

A constant verbal assault about who is who and what they do.

Don't compare me to a vegan, tho soymilk is pretty alright. :cool:

Nexii 11-10-2020 12:42 PM

Yea I am to a point where I need to put voice practice into my daily routine. I tend to fall more into the androgynous pitch range. Which will sound androgynous even if the secondary feminine characteristics are there. Hardest part for me is that internally it feels very strange to raise to feminine range.

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