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Ghostly 08-06-2019 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Smyd (Post 2944325)
Truth. Just because the rules back you up, doesn't mean it justifies the lack of communication.
Typical case of hiding behind a rule set to mask your own childish behaviour.

I kiss you.

But the rule doesn't back him up. It literally says that what he did was wrong.

hotkarlmarxbros 08-06-2019 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by azeth (Post 2944317)
Damn you are pretty pissed off about losing this camp, yea?

If this were just a one-off incident then sure, I can just let it go. This was the second time I encountered this sort of selfish behavior TODAY, though, and it is getting pretty obnoxious to see over and over again. With only rare instances of repercussions for this kind of behavior, so many people take it up as the default reaction and a totally normal way of interacting with others.

I don't think it is unreasonable to want to play a game where people adhere to the rules and interact with each other respectfully. But as long as these immature assholes continue to see no consequences for this kind of antisocial behavior, it is just going to proliferate and drive away reasonable people that don't want to engage with that sort of nonsense in their free time and we are left with nothing but selfish douchebags on the server.

Mblake81 08-06-2019 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by hotkarlmarxbros (Post 2944298)
Three year olds whose vocabulary consists only of the word "MINE!" and nothing else.


After stating this, his buddy Scrody shows up and sits at the two spawn and he plops down next to me at the single spawn, ready to nuke down the ice giant when he pops:


As there are no GMs on, I humbly submit this to RnF in hopes of getting some clarification. Are all three ice giants a single camp making me the asshole here? Or is the single spawn a separate camp and Fragmented is in the wrong?

Fragmented and his brother are not three years old. They have been on this server for many years. Never heard them have a 'tantrum' or 'outburst'. Usually doing all of the port work when Hydra was still a thing.

If someone has something like this, ask to share, go somewhere else or come back later. If they don't want to share, pick up your bricks and move along. It takes time & persistence to get the things you want in EQ... praise be. They had to eventually put in instances which ruined EQ.

It's about the only value to be had in valueless pixels.

fortior 08-06-2019 09:34 AM

OP, you were wrong.

Correct move: see 2 camps are taken by 1 player, ask that player which one they want to concede to you. They have to concede one, which you can then take.

hotkarlmarxbros 08-06-2019 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Ghostly (Post 2944323)
"You do not necessarily need to be at the spawn point to call it 'claimed' while it is uncontested, however, if someone else wishes to contest the 'camp' you do need to return to the 'camp' and maintain a presence at or very near the spawn(s) in order to hold it."

You're in the wrong. You went in and stole the camp that you knew was taken without allowing the person holding the camp the chance to either keep or concede it. It's the rule. You broke it. Now you're here making yourself look stupid because you can't understand basic principles.

You know what, that is fine. If he wanted to claim that camp, there is no problem there. I would just move to the 2 spawn and camp there. But he very clearly did not. He claimed that all three giants belonged to him. So in that case, I came here for clarification of whether this was one camp or two.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. At no point did I break any rules. If you want to say I'm making myself look stupid for my calm and measured replies to his childish outburs then I think that says a lot more about your opinion than mine. If you want to say that he was 'contesting' a mob that he didn't even show up until it was already dotted to death to start crying, and I should've given him the option to sit at the single spawn rather than the two spawn (lol?), then it really just sounds like you're grasping for a reason to call me out while turning a blind eye to him being objectively wrong.

Lordgordon 08-06-2019 09:56 AM


Kushida 08-06-2019 10:00 AM

Sounds like you tried to rule-lawyer him out of a camp, but you fucked up and broke server rules yourself. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Btw Fragmented is an awesome, selfless, and helpful dude that has been been a positive presence and community leader on this server for a long time.

Ghostly 08-06-2019 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by hotkarlmarxbros (Post 2944333)
You know what, that is fine. If he wanted to claim that camp, there is no problem there. I would just move to the 2 spawn and camp there. But he very clearly did not. He claimed that all three giants belonged to him. So in that case, I came here for clarification of whether this was one camp or two.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. At no point did I break any rules. If you want to say I'm making myself look stupid for my calm and measured replies to his childish outburs then I think that says a lot more about your opinion than mine. If you want to say that he was 'contesting' a mob that he didn't even show up until it was already dotted to death to start crying, and I should've given him the option to sit at the single spawn rather than the two spawn (lol?), then it really just sounds like you're grasping for a reason to call me out while turning a blind eye to him being objectively wrong.

Dude, you still don't think you broke a rule?? It is against the rules for you to take the camp without speaking with him first. You've already admitted that you just sat down and took the camp, KNOWING IT WAS CAMPED, without even talking to anyone.

Regardless of what happened after you STOLE his camp, you started this whole thing by being a punk who thought he could just take whatever camp he wanted to.

You're blatantly wrong and grasping at straws at this point. Your failed at your RnF. You're making yourself look worse by sticking to this crybaby shit that you're doing.

You... Were... Wrong...

branamil 08-06-2019 10:26 AM

One time I got extremely upset about rights to slay an ice giant in an emulation Of late 90s fantasy guild

Smyd 08-06-2019 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Ghostly (Post 2944328)
But the rule doesn't back him up. It literally says that what he did was wrong.

Yup, your excerpt actually sums it up quite perfectly....

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