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Glenzig 08-16-2014 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by KagatobLuvsAnimu (Post 1579004)
Genetics isn't about "right and wrong" I don't understand this point in your post. Are you implying that bananas are only 30% wrong? What does that even mean?

Compare Hitler to Napoleon. Napoleon wasn't the nicest guy in the world, but he wasn't a genocidal maniac even though his rise to power and march across Europe was nearly identical to that of Hitler.

Compare Jack the Ripper to any modern day serial killer. More and more evidence is pointing towards genetic predisposition in virtually every case when you study sociopaths.

I think you are so obsessed with your own response other peoples posts that you don't even really read them. I didn't say genetics were right or wrong. I said people that insist that people of different skin color are genetically different are only 0.01% correct. In other words, they have no basis for their argument.

So you're saying that even if someone has never committed an act of violence, if they share certain genetic markers with serial killers that they are still predisposed to going on a murdering spree?

Orruar 08-16-2014 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Daywolf (Post 1578998)
Sure, but it's not even "races". Technically there is still only one race, the human race. All humans are of the same kind, most likely starting from a base pair. Take the canine for example, they are all canines, we don't dispute that and call them different races. They are different breeds starting from the original base pair, which were wolves. Through selective breeding, there is a loss of genetic information, and you get your different breeds.

Right, if you read my entire post, you'd see that I said race is a pretty poor way to distinguish between genetic groups because it only looks at a single factor (skin color) which is primarily driven by a single external influence (sunlight exposure). And so groups of people living at the same latitude, but on opposite sides of the globe, can often end up with the same skin color despite very different genetics.

JayN 08-16-2014 02:06 PM

Daywolf 08-16-2014 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Orruar (Post 1579020)
Right, if you read my entire post, you'd see that I said race is a pretty poor way to distinguish between genetic groups because it only looks at a single factor (skin color) which is primarily driven by a single external influence (sunlight exposure). And so groups of people living at the same latitude, but on opposite sides of the globe, can often end up with the same skin color despite very different genetics.

Well, I don't see any real evidence that environment is a factor. But you are right on with genetics. As far as skin color in certain regions, I just see it as according to migration patterns for the best hospitable environment depending on genetic makeup. Of course in the age of AC and central heating, this varies more now.

Lune 08-16-2014 02:25 PM

phacemeltar 08-16-2014 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lune (Post 1579066)

drugs r bad

Naprox 08-16-2014 02:49 PM

People are making this out to be a racial argument but it if all the variables were the exact same other than color, the same outcome would have still happened. The significant difference is the general lack of respect for authority among youth today. More prominently exhibited by black male youths, but not exclusive to them.

In generations past, society was taught to respect authority (all society) and we didn't feel so emboldened as to disregard instructions given.

But what's more disturbing to me is how this event gets so much attention, when during the same day 8 people in Chicago are shot and one was killed. All of the people involved were black but nothing is mentioned about it on the national media platform. A month ago, 80 people will killed in one weekend, ONE WEEKEND! in Chicago (every one of them black) and very little attention was given to that by the nation at large. We live in a society where violence is glamorized and authority and rules are scoffed at. There is a problem within impoverished communities where these tragedies are happening but nobody wants to talk about them because it doesn't fit the liberal agenda. The root cause in my observation is what seems to be a lack of Hope. That lack of hope stems from the individual lack of responsibility to make changes for one's self.

I grew up poor, some years on welfare, but I didn't allow it to confine me to that existence for eternity. I took it upon myself to find a way to get educated, find a career that made a positive contribution to society and never allowed someone else to control the direction my life would take. Too few today are willing to take the yoke of responsibility upon their shoulders and would rather allow the government to tell them how they must live and what they must accept as their own limitations. It starts with the self realization of what freedom truly means, but then accepting the responsibilities that come with freedom.

This is where the breakdown has occurred, due to fathers not accepting their own responsibility for the children they created, these children do not have the proper role models which are vital to the development of values described above. Some people are astute enough as young adults to find others to fill the role for them, but too many do not.

Daywolf 08-16-2014 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lune (Post 1579066)

Yeah... I'm not freudian. Though I don't completely dismiss Freud's theories, I see cultural upbringing the greater factor by far. That's really where the problem lays here in this matter, being taught that they are victims, that other people owe them something even if they had no part in what may or may not have happened to their ancestors, or to themselves. Unfortunately, too many black people buy into it, a greater majority, though that too has no real bearing on skin color or whatnot, just as say many Germans followed hitler it's just the general flaw of human nature. Upbringing, passed from parent to child, and even from the state for their own purposes. People such as Al Sharpton is really no help to them, only progresses the problem creating greater divisions even amongst themselves.

Eliseus 08-16-2014 03:03 PM

I'm just tired of our fail President wasting his time like its his mission to make sure every black person "wrongfully" killed is worth a damn. Maybe if he spent more time on fixing things like Obamacare instead of telling the whole world they are racist, he would be succeeding rather then being the worst President to be in office since WWII.

Naprox 08-16-2014 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Eliseus (Post 1579107)
I'm just tired of our fail President wasting his time like its his mission to make sure every black person "wrongfully" killed is worth a damn. Maybe if he spent more time on fixing things like Obamacare instead of telling the whole world they are racist, he would be succeeding rather then being the worst President to be in office since WWII.

The Irony is that I believed his song and dance while running for election in 2008 and as an optimist myself, remained hopeful that he could bring this nation closer together on racial issues instead of widening the gap.

I wish Colin Powell had ran when the opportunity had presented itself. He is a man with integrity and character which I truly respect. I believe he would have been the man whom this country would have rallied around with pride.

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